
About Me

Hi, my name is Jasmine.  I'm not much of a selfie taker (and neither is our dog Maggie) but here I am.

 I live in Australia and have spent most of the past few years residing in Perth and Sydney. Having been raised on a farm in rural Western Australia, I still always feel most at home in the country and try to get there when I can.

I used to live “ordinary life” – I had a successful career in Human Resources, a healthy social life and a zest for life. I never had to give a second thought to my daily activities.

Then I developed anxiety and depression.

Fear became an overwhelming part of my life.  It crippled my ability to function and even leave the house.  Every area of my life which I thought I had under control suddenly seemed to crumble - relationship, job, friendships, social life. I lost my sense of self and was struggling to see the light. I am so fortunate that I have a strong family network I can lean on during these tough times.

Today I am still rebuilding myself and learning how to live with my mental health issues.  This is being done with a conscious approach every single day using a combination of western medicine and holistic approaches.  I might not take a step every day, and each step isn’t always forward, but I’m not giving up.


About Pure Drops of Jasmine

As I was searching for natural ways to help myself deal with my anxiety and depression, I discovered essential oils.  Essential oils are a lot more versatile than people realise and can be used for everything from relieving mosquito bites to natural cleaning products, uplifting your spirits to helping you fall asleep at night - really the list is endless.

I have fallen in love with using essential oils as a natural way to support my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body.  I get a new lease on life when I am able to help others use essential oils to feel better.  Having the opportunity to educate others, allow people to build their own oils business and empower themselves has become my passion.

This page is a way for me to share some the uses and benefits of essential oils across all aspects of my life, and to help inspire others to look at how oils can help them too.