I am a big believer in being honest and upfront so I refuse to make you read through a page of empty promises as you try to decipher what the opportunity to work with me actually entails. Yep, I have also read through my fair share of pages like that before.
What I have to offer is for me to mentor you as you create your own home-based dōTERRA essential oils business. The opportunity is only available to you if you do not have an existing and active dōTERRA account.
Me (proud of my Henna tattoo) at the Team Bliss “Dare To Be You” Mixer in Sydney, March 2018
How does the dōTERRA sales model work?
dōTERRA is derived from Latin and means “Gift of the Earth”. The founders determined that a direct selling approach would best facilitate a personal essential oil experience, as opposed to a mass marketing approach, where companies invest billions into marketing and advertising.
The money instead goes to small business owners (like myself) who have the opportunity to create financial independence for ourselves. Getting to work directly with customers allows them to experience the incredible power of essential oils for themselves and for us to build relationships for continued support.
How do I start?
For you, it will start with an incredible product experience. I can walk you through the process of ordering your oils and once you start using them, you will fall in love with them. Just like I did.
Soon you be reaching for them to support you and your family (physically, emotionally and spiritually) every day and wondering what you did without them!
When you get to this stage you will inevitably start sharing your secret with your family, friends, colleagues, and even strangers. Sharing the power of your essential oils is the first step in becoming a Wellness Advocate and creating your own business. You won’t be on your own though, as I will be here to mentor you through it.
My leaders, including the incredible Tara Bliss, have set up some incredible resources such as the Team Bliss Biz Camp which is your four week bootcamp to get your dōTERRA business launched. You will learn the systems, strategies and methods used by all our high-level leaders.
Is this the right opportunity for YOU?
If you are feeling ‘stuck’ doing work that is no longer fulfilling.
If you want to improve your life and the lives of others.
If you are wanting to collaborate with a supportive, global team.
If you are ready to create a business filled with passion.
If you are nodding your head reading the above points…
Then this might be just the opportunity YOU have been looking for!
I am seeking passionate individuals who are willing to push through their fears and take control of their lives. If this sparks your interest and warms your insides, I would love you to talk to you.
Honey Essentials team photo taken at the dōTERRA Australia & New Zealand Convention in Sydney, May 2019