A Drop of... Holiday Joy

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The Oil of Centred Celebration

Holiday Joy is a limited release product that comes out in December. It is a beautiful blend of Siberian Fir, Wild Orange, Clove, Cinnamon, Cassia, Douglas Fir, Nutmeg and Vanilla. Not only does the warm and spicy aroma smell amazing and remind you of Christmas, but like all dōTERRA oils it also has some fabulous emotional and environmental benefits!

If you are having people over for drinks or a meal this festive season, try diffusing Holiday Joy to purify and freshen the air whilst also setting the mood for the occasion. Emotionally, Holiday Joy invites people to come together to experience the warmth and comfort of positive relationships. For many people, the Christmas period can be difficult, and this blend helps to make people feel safe, connected, and overall more balanced and joyful.

A lot of us are a touch disorganised and leave our Christmas shopping until the last minute. This often means fighting the crowds at the shops which can be very straining on our Christmas spirit. Try applying a drop of Holiday Joy to your clothes to help you stay energised and balanced through your shopping experience.

The sweet and fresh aroma is perfect for spritzing on Christmas trees, garlands and wreathes. So no matter what you are doing this Christmas period, Holiday Joy is the perfect addition to make it a Christmas to remember.

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