
I love having the diffuser on when I want (or need) to relax and unwind.  I often struggle to slow down my brain and enjoy the moment so being able to use essential oils that smell fantastic is the perfect way to help.

This blend of Ginger, Tangerine and Geranium smells amazing!!  The combination unifies the oils brilliantly so that no single oil over powers the others.  Ginger is the Oil of Empowerment and its sweet notes persuade us to be fully present and participate in life.

Tangerine is the Oil of Cheer & Creativity and it uses its citrus tones to lift dark moods. It is a great oil for anyone who is feeling overburdened by work or responsibility.

Geranium is the Oil of Love & Trust. It has such a strong aroma that one drop is able to compete against serval of the others.  It leads us away from the logical mind and into the heart space which is often very difficult for those who get caught up in their heads.

Such a beautiful team of oils.