A Drop of... Cedarwood

The Oil of Community

Cedarwood essential oil comes from the wood of the Red Cedar tree and has a lovely sweet, nutty aroma. As a tree oil, Cedarwood is grounding and evokes feelings of spiritual and emotional wellbeing. I love using Cedarwood in my diffuser blends anytime of the day or night, for both the aroma and the grounding properties.

As the Oil of Community, Cedarwood inspires the feeling of belonging and assists the heart in opening to receive the love and support of other people. Humans are very interdependent and thrive on connection, so opening oneself to others is an important especially for those who may have withdrawn due to life circumstances.

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Cedarwood also has clarifying properties when applied topically. To take advantage of this, you can add one or two drops to your facial toner or moisturiser to promote clear, healthy looking skin. It is also a beautiful choice to use in massage to soothe the body and soul.