A Drop of... Wild Orange

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The Oil of Abundance

Wild Orange is one of dōTERRA’s top selling essential oils and it is little wonder why. Sustainably sourced from the Dominican Republic, this oil is cold pressed from the peel. The distinct sweet citrus smell combined with its purifying properties, make Wild Orange a popular choice as a natural cleanser for the air and surfaces around the home and office. It can also be used to make a DIY natural furniture polish and skin care products.

The refreshing aroma is energizing and uplifting making it perfect to use to start your day or help give you a lift in the afternoon. Wild Orange combines well with most oils making it popular in diffusers and for topical use.

Wild Orange supports the emotions by inspiring abundance, fostering creativity and supporting a positive mood. It is particularly useful for individuals wanting to share, play, relax and enjoy the bounties of life.

The citrus flavour of dōTERRA Wild Orange can add extra zing to food and drink recipes. It also has the additional benefit of helping to support the immune system. You can try adding a few drops of dōTERRA Wild Orange to your favourite tea or simply add a drop to a glass of water.

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