A Drop of... Clary Sage

The Oil of Clarity & Vision

Clary Sage is a herb and the essential oil we use is steam distilled from the flowers. The aroma is uniquely floral edged with woody, herbal notes. Its main chemical component is linalyl acetate, part of the esters group, making it one of the most relaxing, soothing, and balancing essential oils.

Emotionally, Clary Sage is known as the Oil of Clarity & Vision. It assists individuals in changing their perceptions by giving them the courage to see the truth. Clary Sage can also assist in opening creative channels and clearing creative blocks.

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Not only is it relaxing and soothing to the emotions, it is also beneficial to the skin. You can combine Clary Sage with a carrier oil to massage and soothe the skin. During your menstrual cycle, try this massage on your abdomen. Drops can be added to your shampoo or conditioner to promote healthy looking hair and scalp.

The relaxing qualities make it a beautiful choice to add to your bath water in the evening to help you unwind. Diffusing in the bedroom promotes a restful night’s sleep. Here is a beautiful night time diffuser blend for you to try which combines Clary Sage with Bergamot and Cypress - Calm Deep Sleep.