A Drop of... ClaryCalm

The Oil of Vulnerability

As we are spending August focusing on women, it seems only right that we discuss ClaryCalm (aka the Monthly Blend for Women). This proprietary blend is designed for topical use, specifically by women and combines Clary Sage, Lavender, Bergamot, Roman Chamomile, Cedarwood, Ylang Ylang, Geranium and Fennel amongst other essential oils. Your bottle of ClaryCalm can be diluted with a carrier oil to minimise skin sensitivity.

ClaryCalm has a strong liquorice, floral aroma that is very distinct. In this way, it almost acts as a personal warning system for those around us to tread carefully as we are menstruating!! Apart from the warning system, the aroma provides us with a calming environment.

During our menstrual cycle, we can all use a little bit of extra help to balance our emotions which is why we want to have ClaryCalm on hand. When applied to the abdomen it is perfect for a soothing massage. ClaryCalm is also great for older women to apply to the back of the neck during moments of heat as it provides a cooling effect to the skin.

Emotionally, ClaryCalm is the Oil of Vulnerability working as a powerful emotional stabiliser. It releases emotional tension within the reproductive organs and helps release the expectations of suffering and dread related to menstruation. It encourages emotional intimacy and vulnerability.