A Drop of... Myrrh

The Oil of Mother Earth

I didn’t have any knowledge of what Myrrh was except a vague biblical reference as one of the gifts given to the baby Jesus by the Three Wise Men (along with Frankincense and Gold). Ancient records show that Myrrh was deemed so valuable that at times it was valued at its weight in gold - so maybe this wasn’t a crappy present after all.

Myrrh essential oil is steam distilled from the resin of the Myrrh tree. It has been documented throughout history in embalming and religious ceremonies, and has been used as a perfume, incense and health aid. It has powerful cleansing properties and is soothing to the skin.

With its woody, slightly smoky aroma, Myrrh can be diffused to help promote awareness and lift your mood. Emotionally it is known as the Oil of Mother Earth and is great for feeling nurtured and grounded. Myrrh can be used to support individuals who have had disturbances with the mother-child bond (which could represent the biological mother or Mother Earth herself). Myrrh helps individuals to feel safe and secure.

Myrrh is approved for flavouring use and can be added to toothpaste for added cleansing benefits. I have tested this for you by adding a drop of Myrrh to the OnGuard Toothpaste on my brush. Flavour-wise, I don’t think that it made much difference, but maybe it makes the taste linger longer (or that could just be that I haven’t thought so consciously about my mouth post-brushing). It is also suggested that 1-2 drops can be added to 1/4 cup of water with a little agave or honey to help ease the stomach.

For Myrrh’s skin benefits, you can add it to your lotion or moisturiser to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. After scrubbing my feet, I like to combine a couple of drops of Myrrh with lotion and rub into my feet before covering with a thick pair of socks.

After conducting my research into Myrrh, I can safely say that I would be very happy to receive a bottle of Myrrh as a present.