A Drop of... Ice Blue

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The Oil of Surrendering Pain

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dōTERRA Ice Blue, also known as the Athletic Blend, is a must have for your collection.  This is my go to if I am feeling a bit stiff after a physical day of work to soothe and cool my muscles.  It can also be used after a long day of sitting at the computer, to ease the tension in your neck and shoulders. You can apply Ice Blue before and after exercise, with a bit of Fractionated Coconut Oil.

One of the main ingredients in Ice Blue is Wintergreen essential oil which gives Ice Blue that sweet, minty smell of a sports massage.  Methyl Salicylate is the main chemical component of Wintergreen, and this chemical is often used in topical creams and massage blends because of its soothing properties to the skin.  Because dōTERRA’s essential oils are pure, it means we get the benefit of this naturally occurring chemical rather than one manufactured in a laboratory.  Other essential oils in the blend are Camphor, Peppermint, Blue Tansy, Blue Chamomile, Helichrysum and Osmanthus.

Emotionally, Ice Blue is known at the Oil of Surrendering Pain. It offers individuals the strength to face emotional wounds allowing the wounds to surface for transformation and healing. This emotional pain can be instructive if we stop resisting it and embrace the lessons it has to offer.

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Ice Blue comes in a 5mL bottle and a 10mL roll on. You can also get it in a 10mL touch which comes combined with Fractionated Coconut Oil for your convenience.  The fourth Ice Blue product sold in Australia is the Ice Blue Rub. This is a rich, topical cream infused with the Ice Blue blend in a proprietary blend of natural plant extracts commonly applied to muscles and joints. Ice Blue Rub gives a beautiful cooling feel when first applied before moving to a warming sensation.