A Drop of... Ice Blue

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The Oil of Surrendering Pain

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dōTERRA Ice Blue, also known as the Athletic Blend, is a must have for your collection.  This is my go to if I am feeling a bit stiff after a physical day of work to soothe and cool my muscles.  It can also be used after a long day of sitting at the computer, to ease the tension in your neck and shoulders. You can apply Ice Blue before and after exercise, with a bit of Fractionated Coconut Oil.

One of the main ingredients in Ice Blue is Wintergreen essential oil which gives Ice Blue that sweet, minty smell of a sports massage.  Methyl Salicylate is the main chemical component of Wintergreen, and this chemical is often used in topical creams and massage blends because of its soothing properties to the skin.  Because dōTERRA’s essential oils are pure, it means we get the benefit of this naturally occurring chemical rather than one manufactured in a laboratory.  Other essential oils in the blend are Camphor, Peppermint, Blue Tansy, Blue Chamomile, Helichrysum and Osmanthus.

Emotionally, Ice Blue is known at the Oil of Surrendering Pain. It offers individuals the strength to face emotional wounds allowing the wounds to surface for transformation and healing. This emotional pain can be instructive if we stop resisting it and embrace the lessons it has to offer.

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Ice Blue comes in a 5mL bottle and a 10mL roll on. You can also get it in a 10mL touch which comes combined with Fractionated Coconut Oil for your convenience.  The fourth Ice Blue product sold in Australia is the Ice Blue Rub. This is a rich, topical cream infused with the Ice Blue blend in a proprietary blend of natural plant extracts commonly applied to muscles and joints. Ice Blue Rub gives a beautiful cooling feel when first applied before moving to a warming sensation.

A Drop of... Lemongrass

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The Oil Of Cleansing

Lemongrass essential oil is steam distilled from the leaf of the Lemongrass plant.  It has a stunning aroma with the beautiful citrus notes that you expect, but with a herby, smoky edge.  Amazing!!

Most of us are familiar with Lemongrass through Asian cuisine, or even herbal teas, and know that it has a subtle citrus flavour.  Having this oil on hand makes it easy to include this flavour when we cook Asian dishes at home.

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Emotionally, Lemongrass is known as the Oil of Cleansing as it is a powerful cleanser of energy.  It is perfect for diffusing in the home or office to clear negative energy and dispel feelings of despondency, despair and lethargy. Lemongrass gives you a sense of heightened awareness and positivity - and who couldn't use more of that?!

Lemongrass is frequently used in skin care products as it benefits the skin through clarifying and toning. It is a great choice to use with Fractionated Coconut Oil for an uplifting massage.

A Drop of... Basil

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The Oil of Renewal

When I think of Basil, my mind immediately is drawn to food (I’m sure I am not the only one). Basil is part of the mint family and is commonly used to add a fresh, herbal flavour to meat, vegetable and pasta dishes. Having a bottle of Basil oil is ideal when you don’t have access to fresh herbs. The culinary options are extensive, but there is much more to this oil.

Basil is known as the Oil of Renewal and is indicated for those who are weary in mind and body and for those in need of strength and renewal. The smell of Basil oil brings strength to the heart and relaxation to the mind. Rich with linalool (a naturally occurring chemical), Basil can help balance moods. Try applying to the temples to ease tension or diffusing to lessen anxious feelings.

Basil delivers a cooling sensation to the skin, which is perfect to relax the body after an active day. Try applying a few drops of Basil oil to areas of your skin that need soothing. When combined with Wintergreen and a carrier oil, this is a beautiful massage blend to relieve stress and provide relaxation.

Basil can also help to ease the discomforts of muscle aches and cramps during your menstrual cycle. Try taking a drop of Basil in a Veggie Capsule to provide soothing support and reduce monthly unease.

With its spicy herbal aroma, diffusing Basil is a wonderful way to help promote a sense of mental alertness and focus.

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A Drop of...Wintergreen

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The Oil of Surrender

dōTERRA Wintergreen is sourced as part of the dōTERRA Co-Impact Sourcing® initiative. This initiative creates increased economic opportunity and sustainability. Our Wintergreen is from the rural mountains of Nepal where it is wild harvested by rural villagers then distilled in community-owned distillation facilities.

Wintergreen essential oil has a sweet, minty and refreshing aroma which is uplifting and stimulating. Emotionally, Wintergreen is the oil of surrender. It imbues the soul with strength and teaches how to let go and be free of the negativity and pain one holds on to.

The main chemical component of Wintergreen oil is methyl salicylate. This is a rare organic chemical that is found naturally in only two plants worldwide – Birch and Wintergreen. Methyl Salicylate contains strong soothing and renewing properties. It is warming to the skin when applied topically which makes it fantastic for massaging tired muscles.

Other great ways to use Wintergreen are:
🌟 Diffuse to freshen your home and have a positive and uplifting effect.
🌟 Add a couple of drops to a warm bath to relax the body and mind.
🌟 Place a few drops on a cotton ball and place it in your gym bag to mask the smell of sweaty gym clothes.
🌟 Apply to your skin to help reduce the appearance of blemishes.

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A Drop of... Vetiver

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The Oil of Centring and Descent

Vetiver is a member of the grass family and its thick tangle of roots is the origin of Vetiver essential oil. The oil has a unique and complex aroma (sweet and woody, with a strong earthy scent) which doesn’t appeal to everyone on its own, however it is extensively used in the perfume industry.

The grounding qualities of Vetiver oil assists individuals in becoming more rooted in life and deeply connecting with what they think and feel. This is incredibly supportive in all kinds of self-awareness work. By allowing individuals to descend and discover deeper facets of their being, it opens the doors to light and recovery through this downward journey into an emotional catharsis.

Vetiver is commonly used for massages as it helps provide a grounding and calming effect on emotions. After a long day of standing, try applying a few drops to your feet and slowly massage the oil in.

When experiencing anxious, unnerved, or stressed feelings, use Vetiver oil aromatically or topically. It can also be used in a warm bath for deep relaxation.

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My favourite use of Vetiver though is to promote restful sleep. I love to diffuse it in my bedroom at night with Lavender and Juniper Berry, however it can be rubbed on the feet before bedtime instead.

Vetiver oil is very thick so patience is required to get it out of the bottle. You can use a toothpick to help get the desired amount out of the bottle if you can’t wait - a little goes a long way.