The Oil of Releasing & Forgiving
Thyme is one of the oldest herbs around and is known for its culinary, aromatic and health purposes. The dōTERRA essential oil is steam distilled from the leaves of the Thyme plant and is high in thymol. The oil is potent and should be diluted before applying to your skin.
This herb has been used across the centuries. The Egyptians used it in their embalming rites and in Ancient Greece it was used in baths and as incense in their temples. In the Middle Ages, Thyme was given to knights and warriors before they went into battle by ladies as it was thought to impart courage to its bearer. Today we most commonly use Thyme as a seasoning, but its cleansing and purifying properties make it great for cleaning surfaces and removing unpleasant odours. Thyme also helps support your immune system and works well in DIY skin care and as a natural insect repellent.
Emotionally, the cleansing properties of the oil is great for cleaning the emotional body. It reaches deep within the body and soul, searching for unresolved negativity. As Thyme empties the soul of negativity, it leaves the heart wide open for forgiveness, freeing it from its emotional bondage.
Thyme’s warm, herbaceous scent is great to add to daytime diffuser blends to help stimulate the mind and promote a sense of alertness.
With so many wonderful possibilities, Thyme is a beautiful oil to have on hand.