Heaven Scent

Heaven Scent is a lovely floral blend that is deeply calming.  This is perfect for when you want to relax and be fully present.

Patchouli is the Oil of Physicality and it is beautifully calming while it grounds you in your physical body.  I often find that with my Anxiety, I get stuck in my head.  I can find it difficult to move away from the thoughts to be able to become engrossed in the present moment.

Not only does the citrus note of Grapefruit combine well to break up the florals, it is also an amazing companion for Patchouli, as it is the Oil of Honouring the Body. When you are grounded in your body, you are able to get a deeper appreciation of what your physical body does and in turn be more respectful of its needs.

Ylang Ylang adds a slightly sweeter note to the blend and contributes its calming qualities.  As the Oil of the Inner Child, it helps the connection with the heart which often gets ignored when the mind is overthinking.  It also encourages joy and play that can be missing from life.

This blend removes the control of the mind to give the heart and physical body a chance to be heard.  Having a reprieve from the mind can be amazingly beneficial for anyone who is unable to get balance ordinarily.