Spring Fling

Well Spring has sprung in the Southern Hemisphere and yesterday was one of the nicest spring days!  The sun was shining and temperature was a lovely 24°C (75.2°F), so I made the most of it by spending the day in the garden and went for a bush walk.  All that time outdoors was super grounding and exactly what I needed.  Unfortunately, today is a lot cooler and overcast so I will probably stay indoors.

To help lift my mood and embrace the Spring vibes from yesterday, I have put on the diffuser with this lovely citrus blend.  Spring Fling combines Lemon, Wild Orange, Grapefruit and Lime; all delicious, fresh citrus notes. Here is why this combination of oils is really working for me today.

Lemon is the Oil of Focus and I need all the help I can with that as I'm spending the morning on the computer.  Lemon is also uplifting and energising - two things I need a lot of on overcast days.

Wild Orange is the Oil of Abundance and is great for creativity.  It is also great for supporting a positive mood and bringing some playfulness.  All work and no play is not a good way to spend one's time so this will help me with a nice balance of the two.

Grapefruit is the Oil of Honouring the Body so it will keep me respectful of my physical needs. I will be conscious to take breaks as my body tells me. Grapefruit also teaches us body acceptance which super important as we all struggle with loving and accepting ourselves at times.

Lime is the Oil of Zest for Life and reminds us to grateful for the gift of life.  It is wonderful for revitalising the heart space to give room for light and joy.

Together, these oils not only smell delicious but have such a positive effect on our emotional wellbeing.

Heaven Scent

Heaven Scent is a lovely floral blend that is deeply calming.  This is perfect for when you want to relax and be fully present.

Patchouli is the Oil of Physicality and it is beautifully calming while it grounds you in your physical body.  I often find that with my Anxiety, I get stuck in my head.  I can find it difficult to move away from the thoughts to be able to become engrossed in the present moment.

Not only does the citrus note of Grapefruit combine well to break up the florals, it is also an amazing companion for Patchouli, as it is the Oil of Honouring the Body. When you are grounded in your body, you are able to get a deeper appreciation of what your physical body does and in turn be more respectful of its needs.

Ylang Ylang adds a slightly sweeter note to the blend and contributes its calming qualities.  As the Oil of the Inner Child, it helps the connection with the heart which often gets ignored when the mind is overthinking.  It also encourages joy and play that can be missing from life.

This blend removes the control of the mind to give the heart and physical body a chance to be heard.  Having a reprieve from the mind can be amazingly beneficial for anyone who is unable to get balance ordinarily.

Bright Sunshiny Day

Today is overcast and a bit cool but this blend is giving me the vibes of a bright sunshiny day.

This blend combines Cheer (Uplifting Blend), Wild Orange, Grapefruit and Clove.

  • Cheer is a beautiful mix of citruses and spices that was formulated to assist those who are in need of cheerfulness. It brings joy, hope and determination.
  • Wild Orange is uplifting and invigorating.
  • Grapefruit is fresh and uplifting.
  • Clove is the Oil of Boundaries. It helps an individual to feel empowered, independent and protected.

And it smells divine!!

Wake Up Buttercup

I try not to drink coffee everyday to help with my anxiety so a good diffuser blend is a must. Anything citrus is usually a go to - not only does it wake me up, but it lifts my mood.

This blend of Juniper Berry, Grapefruit and Wild Orange does the trick.

  • Juniper Berry is calming
  • Grapefruit is fresh and uplifting
  • Wild Orange is uplifting and invigorating

These energies combined are perfect for me to carry through the day.

Citrus Slush

There is something so refreshing and summery about citrus oils. I don't know if that is because we stick lemon or lime in our Coronas and water or if it is just the fresh scent.

This Citrus Slush blend uses Lime, Citrus Bliss (Invigorating Blend) and Grapefruit. The combination is energising, purifying and uplifting to help your home smell delicious and its occupants happy and ready for fun.

Just Be Happy

Just Be Happy is a beautiful daytime diffuser blend using Bergamot, Grapefruit, Lemon and Ylang Ylang. These oils combine to uplift, energise and bring joy.

Let's look at what each of these oils brings to the mix:

  • Bergamot isn't just uplifting, but it is also assuring to help ease stress
  • Grapefruit is a purifier so it will help freshen the air while lifting your energy
  • Lemon is energising and brings joy
  • Ylang Ylang is both calming and playful, and it adds a beautiful floral note amongst the citrus oils

Apple Blossoms

This blend is called Apple Blossoms because that is what it smells like when you close your eyes, breathe it in... and use a little bit of imagination.  Regardless of whether you think it smells like Apple Blossoms or not, it is a beautiful blend.

Cardamom has the ability to both invigorate and relax, while Douglas Fir is cleansing and grounding. Grapefruit has a lovely fresh scent and Frankincense is grounding.  This is a great blend to have in your home.

Evening Chill

This blend is not only a beautiful combination of floral and citrus notes, but it also has a wonderful balance of relaxation and uplifting. I personally find this combination of oils really positive for my anxiety and depression, let me explain -

Patchouli is calming and stabilising. It is the Oil of Physicality so it supports you to become fully present in your physical body. My anxiety often gets me stuck in my head which is both stressful and exhausting. Often it is when I come back to my body and the present that I realise how much I have needed it.

Lime is the Oil of Zest for Life, so I loves to lift you up and get you engaged again in what you have to be grateful for. When my depression has been like a dark cloud in my mind, Lime can be like the sun breaking through and making things seem lighter.

Lavender is calming and helps you be more self aware. As it is the Oil of Communication and Calm, it can help to encourage emotional honesty and give you the space to share your true self with others. Sometimes mental illness can be very isolating so feeling supported to communicate as your true self (rather than putting on a mask for others) is gratifying and liberating.

Grapefruit is the Oil of Honouring the Body. It helps you to listen to your true physical needs and impulses, and to take responsibility for what you feel. I think that this is important as when you spend so much time in your head, and not your physical body, you can neglect and mistreat it. Once Patchouli has brought you back into your body, Grapefruit helps you listen to what it wants to express to you.

Ylang Ylang is freeing and playful. It is known as the Oil of the Inner Child and allows you to connect to the intuition of your heart rather than focusing on the mind. I find making decisions difficult because my mind overthinks and sends me into a state of overwhelm. Being able to listen to the heart means that I may not always know what I want, but sometimes hearing what I don't want can be enough to allow me to move forward.

These oils work so well in this blend because they work together. If you don't need them to do all this, that is ok. They still smell amazing and will help relax and uplift you.