Spring Blossoms

For my friends in the Northern Hemisphere who are currently enjoying the beauty of Spring, you will know all too well the joy of stepping outside and breathing in the sunshine and flowers.  The smell that brings a smile to your lips and a warmth to your heart.

That is what I feel when I close my eyes and breath in this amazing blend of Wild Orange, Ginger and Ylang Ylang.  On the surface, we can see that these oils can make us uplifted, warmed and soothed respectively, but it is when we look deeper that we can see the real power of this blend.

Spring is a time of renewal and freedom from the constraints of Winter.  Wild Orange is the Oil of Abundance so as we move into this time of change, we can set intentions that allow for the growth and expansion we may be wanting to achieve.  Ginger is the Oil of Empowerment and teaches us that to be successful in life, we must be wholly committed. It empowers us to take responsibility for our life's circumstances, allowing us to choose our own destiny.  Ylang Ylang is the Oil of the Inner Child which helps us to connect to our heart and our intuition.  It also aids us in feeling the joy and playfulness we can need after the Winter hibernation.

This blend can really help us to blossom as individuals.  If you are experiencing this need for renewal and change, you don't need to wait until Spring to unveil yourself.  Put this in your diffuser and start walking your new path.