California Coast

After a busy few days with Christmas, I have decided to escape to California today for some relaxation. Unfortunately, it is more of a figurative escape than a literal one - my bank account is glad for the distinction *jokes* - with my diffuser taking me there in spirit. This is a beautiful blend to be diffusing in the lead up to the new year.

Frankincense is the Oil of Truth and it invites individuals to let go of lower vibrations, deceptions and negativity. Once we have shed the negative, we can create new perspectives based on light and truth. Frankincense can shield us as we process from dark to light. Frankincense is also very grounding which aids relaxation and keeps us connected.

Cedarwood is the Oil of Community, which inspires the feeling of belonging and assists the heart in opening to receive the love and support of other people. Life is a shared experience and by giving and receiving in a strong support system, we are able to experience the true joy and strength of relationships. If you have felt isolated or out of touch this year, Cedarwood can help you to find something different from life in the new year.

Rosemary is the Oil of Knowledge & Transition, which is perfect for this period to give us confidence as we transition from one year to the next. The herbal aroma is clearing and refreshing, to help us shake off any burdens and start fresh.

Wild Orange is the Oil of Abundance, which is a perfect choice for anyone setting intentions or manifesting for the new year. It encourages individuals to let go of scarcity mindsets with all of their manifestations. The sweet citrus aroma is uplifting and renewing, to help lighten our mood and be ready to start again.

If you aren’t into reflecting on the year gone or manifesting for the year ahead, you can still use this blend to unwind and relax. After all, isn’t that the point of the week between Christmas and New Year??

Spring Fling

Well Spring has sprung in the Southern Hemisphere and yesterday was one of the nicest spring days!  The sun was shining and temperature was a lovely 24°C (75.2°F), so I made the most of it by spending the day in the garden and went for a bush walk.  All that time outdoors was super grounding and exactly what I needed.  Unfortunately, today is a lot cooler and overcast so I will probably stay indoors.

To help lift my mood and embrace the Spring vibes from yesterday, I have put on the diffuser with this lovely citrus blend.  Spring Fling combines Lemon, Wild Orange, Grapefruit and Lime; all delicious, fresh citrus notes. Here is why this combination of oils is really working for me today.

Lemon is the Oil of Focus and I need all the help I can with that as I'm spending the morning on the computer.  Lemon is also uplifting and energising - two things I need a lot of on overcast days.

Wild Orange is the Oil of Abundance and is great for creativity.  It is also great for supporting a positive mood and bringing some playfulness.  All work and no play is not a good way to spend one's time so this will help me with a nice balance of the two.

Grapefruit is the Oil of Honouring the Body so it will keep me respectful of my physical needs. I will be conscious to take breaks as my body tells me. Grapefruit also teaches us body acceptance which super important as we all struggle with loving and accepting ourselves at times.

Lime is the Oil of Zest for Life and reminds us to grateful for the gift of life.  It is wonderful for revitalising the heart space to give room for light and joy.

Together, these oils not only smell delicious but have such a positive effect on our emotional wellbeing.

Forest Rain

When it is rainy outside and we haven't seen much sunshine, it can be hard to keep a positive vibe around the house.  Rather than choosing a summery blend to diffuse, why not embrace the rainy feels and try this Forest Rain blend?

The sweet notes of Wild Orange and Juniper Berry combined with the more woody, musty notes of Spikenard can transport you to depths of nature.  If you close your eyes and inhale the blend while listening to the rain drops falling outside, you can almost believe that you have escaped to a cabin in the middle of a beautiful forest.  I don't know about you, but I feel more content already!

Not only is it the pausing to take deep breaths or the imagery we have created, but these oils also adjust our emotional mood.  Wild Orange can help us feel joyful and abundant.  Juniper Berry can assist us to feel protected and more self aware. Spikenard encourages gratitude and acceptance.

This combination of the emotional support with the scent of nature helps us to feel deep into the positives of this weather and allows us to really embrace it.  You don't have to limit the use of this blend just to rainy days though.  When it smells this good and has such a beautiful effect on your emotions, it should be on a regular rotation in your diffuser.



This is a lovely blend that is perfect for any time of the day.  Combining Ylang Ylang, Wild Orange, Sandalwood and Cedarwood, it has a sweet and clean aroma.

Cedarwood is the Oil of Community so is great to help feel emotionally connected and supported. Sandalwood is the Oil of Sacred Devotion and is often used in meditation to help calm the mind, still the heart and allow a connection to Spirit.  This is a perfect addition for us overthinkers.

Wild Orange is the Oil of Abundance which encourages individuals to let go of their mindset of scarcity.  Its amazing ability to uplift and relax is why we use this sweet oil in so many blends.  Ylang Ylang is the Oil of the Inner Child and it helps connect us to our heart and in turn our intuition. It is also calming and joyful.

With these four oils uniting their properties, this blend is calming, uplifting and beautifully connecting.

Spring Blossoms

For my friends in the Northern Hemisphere who are currently enjoying the beauty of Spring, you will know all too well the joy of stepping outside and breathing in the sunshine and flowers.  The smell that brings a smile to your lips and a warmth to your heart.

That is what I feel when I close my eyes and breath in this amazing blend of Wild Orange, Ginger and Ylang Ylang.  On the surface, we can see that these oils can make us uplifted, warmed and soothed respectively, but it is when we look deeper that we can see the real power of this blend.

Spring is a time of renewal and freedom from the constraints of Winter.  Wild Orange is the Oil of Abundance so as we move into this time of change, we can set intentions that allow for the growth and expansion we may be wanting to achieve.  Ginger is the Oil of Empowerment and teaches us that to be successful in life, we must be wholly committed. It empowers us to take responsibility for our life's circumstances, allowing us to choose our own destiny.  Ylang Ylang is the Oil of the Inner Child which helps us to connect to our heart and our intuition.  It also aids us in feeling the joy and playfulness we can need after the Winter hibernation.

This blend can really help us to blossom as individuals.  If you are experiencing this need for renewal and change, you don't need to wait until Spring to unveil yourself.  Put this in your diffuser and start walking your new path.

Bright Sunshiny Day

Today is overcast and a bit cool but this blend is giving me the vibes of a bright sunshiny day.

This blend combines Cheer (Uplifting Blend), Wild Orange, Grapefruit and Clove.

  • Cheer is a beautiful mix of citruses and spices that was formulated to assist those who are in need of cheerfulness. It brings joy, hope and determination.
  • Wild Orange is uplifting and invigorating.
  • Grapefruit is fresh and uplifting.
  • Clove is the Oil of Boundaries. It helps an individual to feel empowered, independent and protected.

And it smells divine!!

Wake Up Buttercup

I try not to drink coffee everyday to help with my anxiety so a good diffuser blend is a must. Anything citrus is usually a go to - not only does it wake me up, but it lifts my mood.

This blend of Juniper Berry, Grapefruit and Wild Orange does the trick.

  • Juniper Berry is calming
  • Grapefruit is fresh and uplifting
  • Wild Orange is uplifting and invigorating

These energies combined are perfect for me to carry through the day.

Happy Place

This is beautiful uplifting blend to have in the diffuser. I highly recommend you give it a try.

Peppermint is the Oil of a Buoyant Heart. It invigorates body, mind and spirit, and reminds individuals that life can be happy.

Lime is the Oil of Zest for Life. It instils courage and cheer in the heart and reminds them to be grateful for the gift of life.

Wild Orange is the Oil of Abundance. Wild Orange inspires abundance, fosters creativity and supports a positive mood.

It is little wonder that when these three oils combine, that they take you to a Happy Place.

Study & Focus

It has been rainy and cool on the farm today so it has provided very little incentive to get out and about. It has however, encouraged us to pull out the laptops and books to get some work done.  To help us focus on our work (and hopefully kick some goals), I am diffusing this gem!

The Study & Focus blend is made up of Peppermint, Frankincense, Wild Orange and Rosemary.

  • Peppermint helps to keep you alert and provide you with energy.
  • Frankincense aids focus, which is why it is regularly used for meditation.
  • Wild Orange helps creativity and productivity.
  • Rosemary may well be the star of the blend as it is the Oil of Knowledge & Transition. It brings expansion to the mind, supporting individuals in receiving new information and new experiences. It also supports memory and focus.


Get Up And Go

I love diffusing a fresh and energising blend during the day. Not only does it make me feel good and give me some energy, but it also is a fantastic way to have the house smell great without using an air freshner that is filling your home with chemicals.

This Get Up And Go blend uses Lemon, Peppermint, Wild Orange and Frankincense. Lemon, Peppermint and Wild Orange are great for raising your spirits and increasing your energy. Frankincense gives it more depth and its grounding qualities help keep you balanced.

Another thing that is great about Lemon is that it is the Oil of Focus. It engages the mind and aids concentration which helps give the extra energy some direction and drive to get tasks complete.