Uplift & Delight

I love reaching for the diffuser to be able to influence the mood of myself and others around me. This combination of AromaTouch, Lime, Balance and Citrus Bliss sounds like it has a lot going on, but trust me - they work together.

AromaTouch is dōTERRA’s Massage Blend and it combines Cypress, Peppermint, Marjoram, Basil, Grapefruit and Lavender. This blend is the Oil of Relaxation and assists the body and mind in calming, relaxing and releasing tension. When you first breathe in AromaTouch, you get a slight herbal note that is quickly replaced by a sweet mint aroma. These notes aren’t too overpowering and play nice with the other oils in this diffuser combination.

Lime is the Oil of Zest for Life and its job is to help revitalise the heart and give it room to accept light and joy. It has a delicious, sweet citrus aroma that feels both renewing and energising.

Balance is dōTERRA’s Grounding Blend and it combines Spruce, Ho Wood, Frankincense and Blue Tansy, amongst others. As the Oil of Grounding, Balance helps to stabilise and centre us, providing us a solid foundation to lift from. The sweet woody aroma promotes a sense of calmness and tranquillity.

Citrus Bliss is dōTERRA’s Invigorating Blend and it combines Wild Orange, Grapefruit, Mandarin, Bergamot and Tangerine, amongst others. It has beautiful citrus notes, however it doesn't include Lime within the blend which is why we have added Lime separately to the diffuser. As the Invigorating Blend, Citrus Bliss provides the perfect counterpoint to Balance (Grounding Blend), acting as a spark to encourage motivation and drive. Citrus Bliss is also the Oil of Creativity, inspiring creative expression by bringing colour and imagination to one’s life.

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Whilst all these oils are vastly different in their individual scents and attributes, they combine beautifully both in aroma and to support the mind. I like to use this in my diffuser in the morning as it provide an energy that I want to take with me into my day. I want to start my day relaxed and centred, with drive and zest for life. I also want to have time to express myself creatively in some capacity without the time constraints of the afternoon.

I’d love for you to try this in your diffuser one morning and see how it shapes your day.