Positive Energy

Chasing a blend to help lift you up? Look no further than this combination of Eucalyptus, Bergamot and Tangerine.

Eucalyptus has that distinct camphoraceous scent that most of us would associate with cleanliness. It is effective in promoting calmness and balance to help you feel clearer and more relaxed.

Bergamot has a delicious citrusy, floral like aroma that is unique from the other citrus oils. It is both uplifting and calming to the emotions.

Tangerine has a sweet yet tangy scent that is refreshing and uplifting to the senses. Known as the Oil of Cheer & Creativity, its strong qualities of cheer and joyfulness can lift the darkest of moods.

These oils combine beautifully and you will find yourself choosing to diffuse them again, and again.