Let Go

I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted in the diffuser this morning and stumbled on this winning combination. dōTERRA Forgive and Douglas Fir mix beautifully and smell like you are walking through a forest.

dōTERRA Forgive (Renewing Blend) is the Oil of Forgiving. It contains Spruce, Bergamot, Juniper Berry, Myrrh, Arborvitae, Nootka, Thyme and Citronella which combine with a sweet, woody aroma. Emotionally, this oil is a great choice when you are feeling unforgiving, cynical or bitter. Forgive reminds us that mistakes and offences will happen, but they should be met with forgiveness and kindness. Forgiving others is an important step to setting ourselves free.

Douglas Fir is the Oil of Generational Wisdom. Emotionally, this can assist us in learning from the past. We have the power to carry on the traditions of previous generations and the power to decide which traditions no longer serve us and need to be let go. It encourages respect for one’s elders and invites us to learn from other’s experiences. As a strong tree, Douglas Fir is great for grounding.

Whether you are weighed down with burdens that need to be let go, or just want to surround yourself with the scent of the forest, Let Go is a brilliant blend to try for yourself.