Let Go

I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted in the diffuser this morning and stumbled on this winning combination. dōTERRA Forgive and Douglas Fir mix beautifully and smell like you are walking through a forest.

dōTERRA Forgive (Renewing Blend) is the Oil of Forgiving. It contains Spruce, Bergamot, Juniper Berry, Myrrh, Arborvitae, Nootka, Thyme and Citronella which combine with a sweet, woody aroma. Emotionally, this oil is a great choice when you are feeling unforgiving, cynical or bitter. Forgive reminds us that mistakes and offences will happen, but they should be met with forgiveness and kindness. Forgiving others is an important step to setting ourselves free.

Douglas Fir is the Oil of Generational Wisdom. Emotionally, this can assist us in learning from the past. We have the power to carry on the traditions of previous generations and the power to decide which traditions no longer serve us and need to be let go. It encourages respect for one’s elders and invites us to learn from other’s experiences. As a strong tree, Douglas Fir is great for grounding.

Whether you are weighed down with burdens that need to be let go, or just want to surround yourself with the scent of the forest, Let Go is a brilliant blend to try for yourself.

Apple Pie

As we start heading into the cooler months in Australia, we like to feel cosy and comforted at home - fire, hot chocolate, blankets, pie, Uggies... there are so many options.  I suggest putting this Apple Pie blend on. It smells delicious and sweet while stimulating all your senses with the memories of warm Apple Pie.  It makes me feel cosy and comforted from the inside out.

This blend combines Douglas Fir, Cinnamon and Citrus Bliss (Invigorating Blend) to produce the aroma of Apple Pie baking in the oven.  Douglas Fir being one of our tree oils, is great for grounding which is one of my most important requirements for a feeling of comfort.  The spicy aroma of Cinnamon is not only vital for Apple Pie, but it also provides a beautiful recollection of warmth.  The sweet notes of Citrus Bliss are wonderfully uplifting, helping with feelings of contentment.

I have a feeling that this could be in my diffuser regularly over the Autumn and Winter months.

Sugar Plum Fairy

If you are anything like me, Christmas Eve isn't a relaxing day - it's your last chance to get your shit sorted for Christmas! I'm using this beautiful blend today to uplift my Christmas spirit and to motivate me to get organised.

This Sugar Plum Fairy blend uses two of dōTERRA's ready made blends - Citrus Bliss (Invigorating Blend) and Motivate (Encouraging Blend). These two blends both mean business. They are uplifting and energising to get you up and moving.

Then there is Douglas Fir. Not only does this fir look like a Christmas tree, it also has that tree scent which smells like Christmas for those who decorate a real tree. Douglas Fir is also great to use when you have low energy to help give you a lift.

After diffusing this, I have no reason not to get myself organised for Christmas!!

Apple Blossoms

This blend is called Apple Blossoms because that is what it smells like when you close your eyes, breathe it in... and use a little bit of imagination.  Regardless of whether you think it smells like Apple Blossoms or not, it is a beautiful blend.

Cardamom has the ability to both invigorate and relax, while Douglas Fir is cleansing and grounding. Grapefruit has a lovely fresh scent and Frankincense is grounding.  This is a great blend to have in your home.