My sister gave me a call tonight asking me about this diffuser blend that we tried when I was visiting her family in Sydney. It had hit witching hour and she couldn't remember this blend to try and calm the farm in her house. I thought it best to share it here for her quick reference - and yours! Thanks to Natalie Blackburne for the blend.
This blend smells amazing - and that isn't even the best thing about it. Balance is sweet and woody, Peace is floral and minty, and Frankincense is warm and earthy. They combine brilliantly to make you want to leave it pumping in the diffuser all the time.
The best thing about the blend is the effect it has on the mood. Balance is the Oil of Grounding and it creates a sense of calm and relaxation. Its soft energy is excellent for calming overactive children. Peace is the Reassuring Blend and it reminds you to slow down and take a deep breath. This is not only great for the kids, but is exactly what a parent needs when their patience is being tested by their "little angels". Frankincense is deeply grounding and promotes feelings of peace and relaxation. What a winning combination!