California Coast

After a busy few days with Christmas, I have decided to escape to California today for some relaxation. Unfortunately, it is more of a figurative escape than a literal one - my bank account is glad for the distinction *jokes* - with my diffuser taking me there in spirit. This is a beautiful blend to be diffusing in the lead up to the new year.

Frankincense is the Oil of Truth and it invites individuals to let go of lower vibrations, deceptions and negativity. Once we have shed the negative, we can create new perspectives based on light and truth. Frankincense can shield us as we process from dark to light. Frankincense is also very grounding which aids relaxation and keeps us connected.

Cedarwood is the Oil of Community, which inspires the feeling of belonging and assists the heart in opening to receive the love and support of other people. Life is a shared experience and by giving and receiving in a strong support system, we are able to experience the true joy and strength of relationships. If you have felt isolated or out of touch this year, Cedarwood can help you to find something different from life in the new year.

Rosemary is the Oil of Knowledge & Transition, which is perfect for this period to give us confidence as we transition from one year to the next. The herbal aroma is clearing and refreshing, to help us shake off any burdens and start fresh.

Wild Orange is the Oil of Abundance, which is a perfect choice for anyone setting intentions or manifesting for the new year. It encourages individuals to let go of scarcity mindsets with all of their manifestations. The sweet citrus aroma is uplifting and renewing, to help lighten our mood and be ready to start again.

If you aren’t into reflecting on the year gone or manifesting for the year ahead, you can still use this blend to unwind and relax. After all, isn’t that the point of the week between Christmas and New Year??

Mental Clarity

We have the day off harvesting today so I started my day with a sleep in. Am I getting old now that I consider getting up at 7:15am on a Sunday a sleep in?? I decided to put in a bit of time doing some writing and chose my diffuser blend accordingly. This blend is made with Sandalwood, Cinnamon Bark and Frankincense - and it smells stunning!!

Sandalwood and Frankincense are both often used to accompany prayer and meditation so you know that this is going to get you in the zone. Through their grounding and calming properties they help you to quiet the mind of unimportant chatter, so you can really focus in on what you are doing.

Cinnamon Bark and Frankincense both invite honesty and discourage falsehood. This allows for an intimacy and connection with the work we are doing and gives us a special edge.

Sandalwood, Cinnamon Bark and Frankincense combine with notes that are sweet, woody and spicy. I can feel myself relaxing and deepening my connection as I inhale the magnificent aroma. When I am more grounded and connected with myself, I find that I am able to express myself clearer, making the process more enjoyable.

Whether you are writing for yourself or others, try diffusing this while you work.

Kids Gone Crazy!

My sister gave me a call tonight asking me about this diffuser blend that we tried when I was visiting her family in Sydney.  It had hit witching hour and she couldn't remember this blend to try and calm the farm in her house.  I thought it best to share it here for her quick reference - and yours!  Thanks to Natalie Blackburne for the blend.

This blend smells amazing - and that isn't even the best thing about it. Balance is sweet and woody, Peace is floral and minty, and Frankincense is warm and earthy.  They combine brilliantly to make you want to leave it pumping in the diffuser all the time.

The best thing about the blend is the effect it has on the mood.  Balance is the Oil of Grounding and it creates a sense of calm and relaxation.  Its soft energy is excellent for calming overactive children.  Peace is the Reassuring Blend and it reminds you to slow down and take a deep breath.  This is not only great for the kids, but is exactly what a parent needs when their patience is being tested by their "little angels".  Frankincense is deeply grounding and promotes feelings of peace and relaxation. What a winning combination!

Study & Focus

It has been rainy and cool on the farm today so it has provided very little incentive to get out and about. It has however, encouraged us to pull out the laptops and books to get some work done.  To help us focus on our work (and hopefully kick some goals), I am diffusing this gem!

The Study & Focus blend is made up of Peppermint, Frankincense, Wild Orange and Rosemary.

  • Peppermint helps to keep you alert and provide you with energy.
  • Frankincense aids focus, which is why it is regularly used for meditation.
  • Wild Orange helps creativity and productivity.
  • Rosemary may well be the star of the blend as it is the Oil of Knowledge & Transition. It brings expansion to the mind, supporting individuals in receiving new information and new experiences. It also supports memory and focus.


Get Up And Go

I love diffusing a fresh and energising blend during the day. Not only does it make me feel good and give me some energy, but it also is a fantastic way to have the house smell great without using an air freshner that is filling your home with chemicals.

This Get Up And Go blend uses Lemon, Peppermint, Wild Orange and Frankincense. Lemon, Peppermint and Wild Orange are great for raising your spirits and increasing your energy. Frankincense gives it more depth and its grounding qualities help keep you balanced.

Another thing that is great about Lemon is that it is the Oil of Focus. It engages the mind and aids concentration which helps give the extra energy some direction and drive to get tasks complete.

Apple Blossoms

This blend is called Apple Blossoms because that is what it smells like when you close your eyes, breathe it in... and use a little bit of imagination.  Regardless of whether you think it smells like Apple Blossoms or not, it is a beautiful blend.

Cardamom has the ability to both invigorate and relax, while Douglas Fir is cleansing and grounding. Grapefruit has a lovely fresh scent and Frankincense is grounding.  This is a great blend to have in your home.

Peaceful Family

The best thing about the diffuser is that you can use it to not only on yourself, but those who are sharing your space - and for most of us that means family.  This particular blend of Vetiver, Clary Sage, Ylang Ylang, Marjoram and Frankincense is all about bringing peace and tranquillity into the home.

Some of the best words to describe these oils would be; calming, soothing, reassuring, grounding, relaxing, connecting and balancing - a superb combination for the evening when you are wanting to relax and connect with some family time.

The aroma is quite deep and earthy but it has just enough floral to lighten it and keep it gentle.


This blend is great to put on at the end of the day, when you know you have done what you have to and you can start unwinding for the evening. For that matter, I guess it works just as well on a Sunday, when you have absolutely no intention of achieving anything, including getting out of your PJs :-P

The Relaxation blend has Lavender, Cedarwood and Frankincense which combine with their calmative and grounding effects. The aroma has depth, with its woody notes more apparent than the floral of Lavender. You can almost feel your worries disappear when you have this in the diffuser.

Stress Less

Stress Less is a beautiful blend to have in the diffuser. It combines the woody aromas of Cedarwood and Frankincense with the floral scent of Lavender.

Cedarwood brings with it support, Frankincense its grounding qualities while Lavender is calming. A brilliant trio when feeling stressed.