Happy Vibes

I love having dōTERRA essential oils on hand to support and adjust my moods. I woke up feeling quite flat today with an edge of anxious jitters. There was no obvious reason for the ‘bleh’ mood but I knew I couldn't allow this feeling to control my day. In my diffuser, I chose to blend Copaiba, Lavender, Blue Tansy and OnGuard (Protective Blend) to shake things up.

Together these oils combine to produce a sweet aroma when diffused. The pleasing scent is only one aspect though. Emotionally, these oils have quite deep meanings.

Copaiba is the Oil of Unveiling and it offers assistance to those caught in lower vibrations of shame, blame, fear, and self-loathing, and other unconsciously internalised emotions. The woody aroma of Copaiba provides the blend with a solid base and helps to create a calming atmosphere.

Lavender is the Oil of Communication & Calm and it encourages emotional honesty and insists one speak their innermost thoughts and desires. The powdery, floral aroma of Lavender promotes calm and relaxed feelings.

Blue Tansy is the Oil of Inspired Action and encourages individuals to live in alignment with the whisperings of their inner voice, prompting them to make necessary changes. It teaches that each act is based on choice and requires individuals to own the responsibility of their cumulative choices. With its beautiful indigo colour, Blue Tansy has a fruity aroma that helps to uplift moods.

OnGuard is the Oil of Protection and it helps to strengthen the inner self along with inner resolve to stand up for oneself and live in integrity. Its protection gives individuals the strength to say “no” and resolve to maintain clear boundaries. The combination of Wild Orange, Clove, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus and Rosemary gives OnGuard its delicious spicy aroma that is energising and uplifting.

Along with applying some Manuka essential oil topically and sitting for a 20 minute meditation to help ground and centre myself, I feel in a better emotional space to face the remainder of the day.