Easy Breathing

When I got back to the farm over the weekend, my Mum was feeling a bit under the weather after having a busy couple of weeks herself. To help support her respiratory system and help alleviate her stuffy nose, I have been diffusing this Easy Breathing blend. I believe that when you aren’t feeling yourself, it is important to not only support your physical health, but also your mental health and emotions, which is why this combination of Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Lemon and Peppermint is a winner.

Eucalyptus - With its distinct fresh and clean scent, Eucalyptus is ideal to diffuse to help you feel clearer and calmer. As the Oil of Wellness and it teaches individuals how to claim wholeness and heal.

Rosemary - The rejuvenating scent of Rosemary is uplifting to the senses. As the Oil of Knowledge & Transition, it can assist with mental clarity and aids in times of transition and change which can often be the root cause for feeling out of sorts.

Lemon - When diffused, Lemon is very uplifting, energising and promotes feelings of lightness, cheer and joy. With Lemon commonly being used as a natural cleaner, diffusing helps to cleanse the air. As the Oil of Focus, Lemon engages the mind and aids concentration - perfect for when your head might be feeling cloudy.

Peppermint - Promoting an uplifted cheery feeling, Peppermint is invigorating to the senses. As the Oil of a Buoyant Heart, it brings joy and buoyancy to the heart and soul. Often when we aren’t feeling 100%, our moods can be depressed, leaving us needing to feel joy deep within.

This quartet of oils combines brilliantly to help cleanse the air, regain mental clarity and to uplift the emotions. It is a stunning blend to use if you are feeling a bit under the weather, or just need a bit of an emotional pick-me-up.