The Lumberjack

This is a completely different blend than I have shared before. Arborvitae, Cedarwood and Hawaiian Sandalwood combine brilliantly to create a woodsy, aroma that supports you to feel grounded and connected.

The aroma of Arborvitae is unique and could be described with words like woody, earthy and warm, however they don’t quite capture the essence of the oil. Arborvitae is known as the Oil of Devine Grace and it asks individuals to relax, take a deep breath, and trust in the flow of life. My anxiety can leave me distrusting, fearful and using excessive effort to feel in control, both in conscious and subconscious ways. Any assistance to ground myself, relax and ease up on the reins of life has been vital. Sometimes I’m not so good at it, but I have much more awareness of when I am exhausting myself fighting for control.

With its sweet, woody, almost nutty aroma, Cedarwood is relaxing and grounding. Known as the Oil of Community, Cedarwood inspires the feeling of belonging and assists the heart in opening to receive the love and support of other people. Why is it important to feel like you belong? Psychologist Abraham Maslow discovered human beings have five levels of needs (Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs). Maslow ranked the need for belonging third, behind Physiological (food, drink, shelter, sleep and oxygen) and Safety (safety and security). Anxiety and depression can both be very isolating and I found myself withdrawing from my community. Feeling relaxed and grounded gives me the best foundation to engage with others and be open to creating social bonds.

Hawaiian Sandalwood has a rich woody aroma that is sweet like honey. It is grounding and uplifting to the emotions. Sandalwood is known as the Oil of Sacred Devotion and it teaches of spiritual devotion and spiritual sacrifice. It assists one in reaching beyond their current confines and belief systems by asking individuals to assess where their hearts are and challenges them to reorder their priorities to be in alignment with {insert your higher power*}‘‘s will. We can feel off our game when we are disconnected from that ‘higher power’ or our spiritual self. When I am feeling disconnected, I like to focus on my meditation practice and oils such as Sandalwood can be used to support you in these practices.

These are just three of the many oils I use to support myself on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. If you are in need of some calm, connectedness or grounding, this might just be the ideal blend for you.

*Most of us believe in a higher power, whether that be God, Goddess, Allah, Spirit, Fate, The Universe, Buddha, Nature, Spirit Guides, Energy, Science, The Devine, Jehovah, etc. It doesn’t matter to anyone but you what you beliefs are or are not. There is no right or wrong answer and we should respect this is individual for each of us.