California Coast

After a busy few days with Christmas, I have decided to escape to California today for some relaxation. Unfortunately, it is more of a figurative escape than a literal one - my bank account is glad for the distinction *jokes* - with my diffuser taking me there in spirit. This is a beautiful blend to be diffusing in the lead up to the new year.

Frankincense is the Oil of Truth and it invites individuals to let go of lower vibrations, deceptions and negativity. Once we have shed the negative, we can create new perspectives based on light and truth. Frankincense can shield us as we process from dark to light. Frankincense is also very grounding which aids relaxation and keeps us connected.

Cedarwood is the Oil of Community, which inspires the feeling of belonging and assists the heart in opening to receive the love and support of other people. Life is a shared experience and by giving and receiving in a strong support system, we are able to experience the true joy and strength of relationships. If you have felt isolated or out of touch this year, Cedarwood can help you to find something different from life in the new year.

Rosemary is the Oil of Knowledge & Transition, which is perfect for this period to give us confidence as we transition from one year to the next. The herbal aroma is clearing and refreshing, to help us shake off any burdens and start fresh.

Wild Orange is the Oil of Abundance, which is a perfect choice for anyone setting intentions or manifesting for the new year. It encourages individuals to let go of scarcity mindsets with all of their manifestations. The sweet citrus aroma is uplifting and renewing, to help lighten our mood and be ready to start again.

If you aren’t into reflecting on the year gone or manifesting for the year ahead, you can still use this blend to unwind and relax. After all, isn’t that the point of the week between Christmas and New Year??

Time To Relax

Time To Relax is a stunning blend which combines Whisper (Blend for Women) with Lemon and Cedarwood.  It is a perfect choice for when you want to take some time for yourself.

Whisper (Blend for Women) is the Oil of Femininity but this does not mean that it is mean that is reserved for women.  It works to soften overly masculine individuals and allows gentleness and emotional connection.

Lemon is the Oil of Focus and helps to clear the cobwebs from your mind. The citrus aroma inspires joy and happiness while clearing away self-judgement - exactly what you need to be able to relax in peace.

Cedarwood is the Oil of Community and its woody notes give a sense of belonging and emotional connection.  I think that this can be a beautiful addition even when diffusing by yourself because we all need that peace that comes from being connected to others in our hearts.

When you are wanting to relax and get that deep feeling of peace and contentment - consider giving this blend a go.



This is a lovely blend that is perfect for any time of the day.  Combining Ylang Ylang, Wild Orange, Sandalwood and Cedarwood, it has a sweet and clean aroma.

Cedarwood is the Oil of Community so is great to help feel emotionally connected and supported. Sandalwood is the Oil of Sacred Devotion and is often used in meditation to help calm the mind, still the heart and allow a connection to Spirit.  This is a perfect addition for us overthinkers.

Wild Orange is the Oil of Abundance which encourages individuals to let go of their mindset of scarcity.  Its amazing ability to uplift and relax is why we use this sweet oil in so many blends.  Ylang Ylang is the Oil of the Inner Child and it helps connect us to our heart and in turn our intuition. It is also calming and joyful.

With these four oils uniting their properties, this blend is calming, uplifting and beautifully connecting.

Sweet Dreams

For those of you who really enjoy the sweet scents, this may just be the night blend that you are chasing.

I have shared before that Lavender and Cedarwood have calmative and sedative properties which is why they are regularly used in diffuser blends at night.  Marjoram is usually associated with cooking and it's sedative and relaxing properties don't tend to be discussed, but these qualities make it perfect to be used for sleep.

The ability to uplift and invigorate are qualities of Wild Orange that I have previously shared, so you are probably wondering why I have put it in a sleep blend?  It is because Wild Orange is a clever little oil and has calmative and sedative properties too!  It makes Wild Orange a great oil to have on hand because it so versatile.

Lavender Lullaby

Sometimes when we have a lot going on in life, sleep can evade us.  It is nice to have a diffuser blend on at bedtime to help you relax and fall into a deep sleep.  Lavender Lullaby is a lovely blend that is perfect for these situations.

Lavender and Cedarwood are both calming and have sedative properties which will help you go to and stay asleep. Bergamot is assuring and relaxing to help you let go of some of those stresses that might be keeping you up.  Those deeper notes of Vetiver are very grounding and relaxing, not to mention that this oil also contains sedative properties.

Breathing in these calming and sedative oils can help you relax and get that deep sleep you are chasing


This blend is great to put on at the end of the day, when you know you have done what you have to and you can start unwinding for the evening. For that matter, I guess it works just as well on a Sunday, when you have absolutely no intention of achieving anything, including getting out of your PJs :-P

The Relaxation blend has Lavender, Cedarwood and Frankincense which combine with their calmative and grounding effects. The aroma has depth, with its woody notes more apparent than the floral of Lavender. You can almost feel your worries disappear when you have this in the diffuser.

Stress Less

Stress Less is a beautiful blend to have in the diffuser. It combines the woody aromas of Cedarwood and Frankincense with the floral scent of Lavender.

Cedarwood brings with it support, Frankincense its grounding qualities while Lavender is calming. A brilliant trio when feeling stressed.