Fresh Start

Whenever I’m sitting down at the computer, I love to have the diffuser on to set the atmosphere for what I’m doing. This combination of Clary Sage, Ylang Ylang, Lavender and Sandalwood creates a calm and relaxed tone which is my preferred state to work in. With its floral notes, it is perfect for Spring and you’ll love it, whether you are working or relaxing.

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Positive Thinking

Some days positive thinking can come easily. Other days… not so much.

I have been feeling off for a couple of days (I know, I should have reached for my oils sooner) so this morning I decided that it was time to take action and help myself with a blend that would be uplifting and grounding.

Myrrh is the Oil of Mother Earth and when you breathe in the earthy notes, it makes complete sense why. It helps the soul to feel the love and nurturing presence of a mother and to feel safe and secure. Increasing the connection between oneself and Mother Earth is deeply grounding. It has that effect on you of having spent an afternoon in nature.

Eucalyptus is the Oil of Wellness and it teaches how to claim wholeness and heal. Being a tree oil, it is great for grounding and feeling centred. Eucalyptus also helps with feelings of encouragement and aids individuals take back the power of their own wellness journey.

Lime is the Oil of Zest for Life and its citrus notes help to dispel apathy and resignation while instilling hope, joy and courage. It aids revitalisation of the heart space, giving room for light and joy.

Positive Thinking isn’t a cure all remedy but increasing your grounding on difficult days, can help to create the space you need to work through your troubles. I decided to enhance the effect by following this up with a meditation outside in the sun and going barefoot on the grass. I’m happy to say I’m feeling a lot better than before.

Balanced Bliss

Balanced Bliss is an essential oil blend that combines Balance, White Fir* and Citrus Bliss. This blend both grounds and uplifts - I know that might sound like a contradiction, but let me explain what I mean.

Grounding is about being held present in your body and connected to the earth. This allows for a feeling of balance and centring no matter what is happening in the environment around you. For me, this is particularly important for slowing down the rush of thoughts (be them about the past or future) and staying in the present moment.

Balance is dōTERRA's Grounding Blend which is designed to exactly that. It is made primarily of tree oils and roots which encourage a deep connection to the present and emotional stability. White Fir is another tree oil to help encourage grounding.

Uplifting is about raising energies and moods with feelings of hope, comfort, joy and inspiration. For me, it helps me see life with more optimism and confidence, while shaking away the doubt and darkness.

Citrus Bliss is dōTERRA's Invigorating Blend and the Oil of Creativity. The combination of citrus oils acts as a powerful fire starter, returning motivation and drive. It also helps to restore confidence and fills the heart with creativity and joy .

By combining the oils with grounding and uplifting properties, it can help you feel centred and optimistic. When I feel these, I feel better equipped to handle the situations I’m faced with.

* White Fir has now been replaced by Siberian Fir as dōTERRA are able to maintain a better supply of Siberian Fir. It provides the same benefits, but with higher potency. You can use White Fir or Siberian Fir in the blend, depending what you have on hand.