Fresh Start

Whenever I’m sitting down at the computer, I love to have the diffuser on to set the atmosphere for what I’m doing. This combination of Clary Sage, Ylang Ylang, Lavender and Sandalwood creates a calm and relaxed tone which is my preferred state to work in. With its floral notes, it is perfect for Spring and you’ll love it, whether you are working or relaxing.

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Cleanse & Clear

It has been a while since I have shared with you a blend that I have been diffusing, but trust me - this one is worth the wait!

I am currently obsessed with this blend of Copaiba, Rosemary, Peppermint and Clary Sage. It not only smells amazing, but it kicks arse emotionally.

Copaiba has a spicy, woody aroma and creates a wonderfully calming atmosphere when diffused. Known as the Oil of Unveiling, it offers assistance to those caught in the lower vibrations of shame, blame, fear, self-loathing and other unconsciously internalised emotions.

If you use Rosemary in the kitchen, you will be familiar with its delicious herbaceous aroma. When diffused, Rosemary is uplifting and rejuvenating. Known as the Oil of Knowledge & Transition, it supports individuals in feeling confident and assured during times of great change in understanding or perspective.

Peppermint has a fresh, minty aroma that is invigorating to the senses and promotes an uplifted and cheery feeling. Known as the Oil of a Buoyant Heart, it invigorates the body, mind and spirit, bringing joy to the heart and soul.

With its floral aroma edged with woody notes, Clary Sage is relaxing and soothing. Known as the Oil of Clarity & Vision, it assists individuals in changing their perceptions by giving them the courage to see the truth. Clary Sage can also assist in opening creative channels and clearing creative blocks.

These four oils have great synergy and create a uplifting and nurturing atmosphere when diffused. I recommend giving this one a go.

Calm Deep Sleep

The essential oil that most people associate with sleep is Lavender, but not everyone loves its scent. Not to worry though, there are plenty of options to help you sleep without relying solely on Lavender. This blend doesn't have any Lavender at all and it is one of my go to sleep blends.

Calm Deep Sleep uses a combination of Bergamot, Clary Sage and Cypress.  Bergamot and Cypress are both calming and Clary Sage promotes calm and sleep. Together they make an unreal bedtime blend.

Peaceful Family

The best thing about the diffuser is that you can use it to not only on yourself, but those who are sharing your space - and for most of us that means family.  This particular blend of Vetiver, Clary Sage, Ylang Ylang, Marjoram and Frankincense is all about bringing peace and tranquillity into the home.

Some of the best words to describe these oils would be; calming, soothing, reassuring, grounding, relaxing, connecting and balancing - a superb combination for the evening when you are wanting to relax and connect with some family time.

The aroma is quite deep and earthy but it has just enough floral to lighten it and keep it gentle.