A Drop of... Arborvitae

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The Oil of Divine Grace

The Arborvitae tree, known as the “tree of life”, is the largest tree in the Cypress family ranging up to 65 to 70 metres high and can live over 1,000 years. dōTERRA source their Arborvitae essential oil from the heartwood of the Western Red Cedar (Thuja plicata) in Canada.

The Arborvitae tree is popular in woodcraft due to its natural preserving properties that prevents wood from rotting. Try mixing 4 drops of Arborvitae essential oil with 2 drops of Lemon essential oil for a DIY natural wood preservative and polish.

Not only does the oil preserve wood, but it contains tropolones which act as a natural insect repellent. You can apply Arborvitae to your wrist and ankles when you are spending time out doors or diffuse in your home to deter bugs from hanging out inside.

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Emotionally, Arborvitae is known as the Oil of Devine Grace. It invites individuals to live with peace and joy by trusting in the abundant flow of devine grace. This is particularly useful for those individuals who find the need to constantly be in control and could use a break. Arborvitae inspires feelings of peace and calm making it great to use when unwinding after a long day or during mediation or yoga.

Arborvitae oil has a warm, woody aroma and is ideal for using aromatically and topically for cleansing and purifying. It can easily be turned into a household spray by adding a few drops to a spray bottle with water. This spray can be used both on surfaces and on hands.

My favourite thing about Arborvitae though, was learning about the sourcing arrangements. It is done in an innovative, environmentally-responsible way through the distillation of residual wood materials to ensure no trees are unnecessarily harvested for production.

Check out this video to see for yourself:

A Drop of... Ylang Ylang

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The Oil of the Inner Child

dōTERRA work with the natives of Madagascar to sustainably source their pure Ylang Ylang essential oil. The oil is steam distilled from the unique star-shaped flowers and has a rich floral scent. It is used in aromatherapy for its ability to provide a calming effect whilst simultaneously promoting a positive outlook.

For centuries Ylang Ylang has been used in perfumes due to it’s sweet spicy scent. For a natural perfume, put a drop or two of Ylang Ylang on your wrists. You will also get the calming and uplifting benefits.

Ylang Ylang is often used to support healthy skin and hair and can be frequently found in luxurious hair and skin products for its scent and nourishing and protective properties. Create your own DIY Deep Hair Conditioner by adding Ylang Ylang essential oil to dōTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil.

Emotionally, Ylang Ylang is a powerful remedy for the heart and it assists in accessing intuition. It allows emotional healing to flow naturally and reminds the individual that joy can be felt and experienced more fully by allowing the heart its full range of emotions.

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Due to one of Ylang Ylang oil’s main chemical constituents, germacrene, the oil contains natural abilities to soothe. So not only is Ylang Ylang beautiful to diffuse in your home, it is also an excellent choice for adding to a bath to soak your stresses away.

A Drop of... Balance

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The Oil of Grounding

Known as the Grounding Blend, dōTERRA Balance is primarily used to promote feelings of tranquillity while bringing harmony to the mind and body, and balance to the emotions.

dōTERRA Balance is formulated with oils that evoke feelings of relaxation, grounding and calmness. Its beautiful sweet woody scent is made from a unique mix of essential oils (including Spruce, Ho Wood, Frankincense, Blue Tansy & Blue Chamomile) in a base of Fractionated Coconut Oil.

As this is primarily a combination of tree oils and roots, it instructs us to be more like trees. They live in the present moment, they aren’t in a hurry and they are stable.

With Christmas almost upon us, most of us will end up spending a lot of time in the car travelling to see family and friends. This can be a stressful time for most of us, so try diffusing dōTERRA Balance in your car during road trips to create a calming, soothing environment.

Some wonderful ways to use dōTERRA Balance are:
🌟 Apply it to the bottom of your feet when you wake up to promote feelings of calmness and tranquillity throughout your day.
🌟 Apply it to your feet before going to bed to help calm you and encourage a restful night’s sleep.
🌟 Add some to your bath with Epsom salts to really make it a relaxing experience for your whole body.
🌟 Apply to your wrists or neck prior to stressful events and meetings. It helps give a sense of stability and relaxation during situations that are prone to anxious and stressful feelings.
🌟 Apply to your wrists or neck to help ease anxiousness and overwhelmed feelings as they arise.

There are so many fantastic ways to use dōTERRA Balance, but my friends with children swear that diffusing it in the evening is the best. It helps relax the kids (not to mention the parents) and calms the mood in the house so they can enjoy their family time and prepare everyone for bed.

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A Drop of... Peace

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The Oil of Peace

Known as the Reassuring Blend, dōTERRA Peace is primarily used to promote feelings of contentment, composure, and reassurance when anxious feelings overwhelm your emotions.

dōTERRA Peace is formulated with oils that work to dismiss feelings of fear and anxiousness. Its beautiful floral and mint scent is made from a unique mix of Vetiver, Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Frankincense, Clary Sage, Marjoram, Labdanum and Spearmint.

With so many of us struggling daily with anxious emotions that contort our feelings and leave us distressed, it is important to breathe deep and balance our emotions. dōTERRA Peace can help calm these emotions and reunite us with a peaceful mindset.

This blend is great to calm nerves and provide emotional comfort before taking a test or other big events. dōTERRA Peace is an ideal night-time blend that can promote a calming environment and restful sleep. It can also be used to calm an upset or restless child by applying to bottoms of their feet.

dōTERRA Peace is one of the six oils in the Emotional Aromatherapy Kit but it is also available for individual purchase. One of my favourites that I recommend everyone have in their collection.

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A Drop of... Lavender

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The Oil of Communication & Calm

Lavender is a beautiful calming oil known for its unmistakable aroma.

Most commonly Lavender is associated with its relaxing properties that promote peaceful sleep. You can add a few drops to your pillow so that you inhale the aroma as you are drifting off to sleep; apply it to the bottoms of your feet as a part of a relaxing bedtime ritual; or diffuse it in your favourite combo.

Apart from aiding restful sleep, it also promotes feelings of ease during your waking hours. It can be great to help you unwind at the end of a long day. Try adding a few drops of Lavender to your bath or apply to your temples and back of the neck.

Emotionally, Lavender can help ease feelings of tension, remove sad and anxious feelings, aid in verbal expression and calm the mind. It addresses a deep fear of being seen and heard. Lavender also encourages emotional honesty and insists that one speak their innermost thoughts and desires.

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The soothing properties of Lavender can help calm skin irritations which make it great to use after shaving or to remove the itch from mosquito bites. You can also help nourish delicate and dry skin by adding a drop to your moisturiser. This is particularly helpful if you have a little too much sun.

To remove unwanted odours from your home, combine Lavender oil with water in a spray bottle. Spray a light mist into your car, linen closet, on your mattress, or any other areas that could use some freshening up.

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Lavender oil is used in cooking for its taste and fragrance. You can use it to soften citrus flavours and add a flavourful twist to marinades, baked goods, and desserts.

The versatile properties of Lavender essential oil make it a dōTERRA favourite – and why wouldn’t you keep a bottle on hand?