A Drop of... AromaTouch

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The Oil of Relaxation

Known as the Massage Blend, dōTERRA’s AromaTouch assists the body in relaxing and releasing tension.  It allows an individual to open their heart and mind to move in harmony once more with their body.  AromaTouch combines Cypress, Peppermint, Marjoram, Basil, Grapefruit and Lavender essential oils in a proprietary blend to produce a minty, fresh scent.

While AromaTouch is great to diffuse, being the Massage Blend, you can’t go past combining it with a carrier oil for a beautiful massage. Whether this is giving yourself a lovely neck and shoulder massage or having your significant other massage you from head to toe (avoiding pits and bits), the topical application and aromatic experience helps promote feelings of relaxation and comfort.

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Another way to get the amazing relaxation benefits is to add a few drops to a hot bath with Epsom salts.  This is a great way to unwind after a long day at work, as some much needed self-care, or just because you can.

A Drop of... Balance

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The Oil of Grounding

Known as the Grounding Blend, dōTERRA Balance is primarily used to promote feelings of tranquillity while bringing harmony to the mind and body, and balance to the emotions.

dōTERRA Balance is formulated with oils that evoke feelings of relaxation, grounding and calmness. Its beautiful sweet woody scent is made from a unique mix of essential oils (including Spruce, Ho Wood, Frankincense, Blue Tansy & Blue Chamomile) in a base of Fractionated Coconut Oil.

As this is primarily a combination of tree oils and roots, it instructs us to be more like trees. They live in the present moment, they aren’t in a hurry and they are stable.

With Christmas almost upon us, most of us will end up spending a lot of time in the car travelling to see family and friends. This can be a stressful time for most of us, so try diffusing dōTERRA Balance in your car during road trips to create a calming, soothing environment.

Some wonderful ways to use dōTERRA Balance are:
🌟 Apply it to the bottom of your feet when you wake up to promote feelings of calmness and tranquillity throughout your day.
🌟 Apply it to your feet before going to bed to help calm you and encourage a restful night’s sleep.
🌟 Add some to your bath with Epsom salts to really make it a relaxing experience for your whole body.
🌟 Apply to your wrists or neck prior to stressful events and meetings. It helps give a sense of stability and relaxation during situations that are prone to anxious and stressful feelings.
🌟 Apply to your wrists or neck to help ease anxiousness and overwhelmed feelings as they arise.

There are so many fantastic ways to use dōTERRA Balance, but my friends with children swear that diffusing it in the evening is the best. It helps relax the kids (not to mention the parents) and calms the mood in the house so they can enjoy their family time and prepare everyone for bed.

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A Drop of... Vetiver

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The Oil of Centring and Descent

Vetiver is a member of the grass family and its thick tangle of roots is the origin of Vetiver essential oil. The oil has a unique and complex aroma (sweet and woody, with a strong earthy scent) which doesn’t appeal to everyone on its own, however it is extensively used in the perfume industry.

The grounding qualities of Vetiver oil assists individuals in becoming more rooted in life and deeply connecting with what they think and feel. This is incredibly supportive in all kinds of self-awareness work. By allowing individuals to descend and discover deeper facets of their being, it opens the doors to light and recovery through this downward journey into an emotional catharsis.

Vetiver is commonly used for massages as it helps provide a grounding and calming effect on emotions. After a long day of standing, try applying a few drops to your feet and slowly massage the oil in.

When experiencing anxious, unnerved, or stressed feelings, use Vetiver oil aromatically or topically. It can also be used in a warm bath for deep relaxation.

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My favourite use of Vetiver though is to promote restful sleep. I love to diffuse it in my bedroom at night with Lavender and Juniper Berry, however it can be rubbed on the feet before bedtime instead.

Vetiver oil is very thick so patience is required to get it out of the bottle. You can use a toothpick to help get the desired amount out of the bottle if you can’t wait - a little goes a long way.