Spring Fling

Well Spring has sprung in the Southern Hemisphere and yesterday was one of the nicest spring days!  The sun was shining and temperature was a lovely 24°C (75.2°F), so I made the most of it by spending the day in the garden and went for a bush walk.  All that time outdoors was super grounding and exactly what I needed.  Unfortunately, today is a lot cooler and overcast so I will probably stay indoors.

To help lift my mood and embrace the Spring vibes from yesterday, I have put on the diffuser with this lovely citrus blend.  Spring Fling combines Lemon, Wild Orange, Grapefruit and Lime; all delicious, fresh citrus notes. Here is why this combination of oils is really working for me today.

Lemon is the Oil of Focus and I need all the help I can with that as I'm spending the morning on the computer.  Lemon is also uplifting and energising - two things I need a lot of on overcast days.

Wild Orange is the Oil of Abundance and is great for creativity.  It is also great for supporting a positive mood and bringing some playfulness.  All work and no play is not a good way to spend one's time so this will help me with a nice balance of the two.

Grapefruit is the Oil of Honouring the Body so it will keep me respectful of my physical needs. I will be conscious to take breaks as my body tells me. Grapefruit also teaches us body acceptance which super important as we all struggle with loving and accepting ourselves at times.

Lime is the Oil of Zest for Life and reminds us to grateful for the gift of life.  It is wonderful for revitalising the heart space to give room for light and joy.

Together, these oils not only smell delicious but have such a positive effect on our emotional wellbeing.

Time To Relax

Time To Relax is a stunning blend which combines Whisper (Blend for Women) with Lemon and Cedarwood.  It is a perfect choice for when you want to take some time for yourself.

Whisper (Blend for Women) is the Oil of Femininity but this does not mean that it is mean that is reserved for women.  It works to soften overly masculine individuals and allows gentleness and emotional connection.

Lemon is the Oil of Focus and helps to clear the cobwebs from your mind. The citrus aroma inspires joy and happiness while clearing away self-judgement - exactly what you need to be able to relax in peace.

Cedarwood is the Oil of Community and its woody notes give a sense of belonging and emotional connection.  I think that this can be a beautiful addition even when diffusing by yourself because we all need that peace that comes from being connected to others in our hearts.

When you are wanting to relax and get that deep feeling of peace and contentment - consider giving this blend a go.

Get Up And Go

I love diffusing a fresh and energising blend during the day. Not only does it make me feel good and give me some energy, but it also is a fantastic way to have the house smell great without using an air freshner that is filling your home with chemicals.

This Get Up And Go blend uses Lemon, Peppermint, Wild Orange and Frankincense. Lemon, Peppermint and Wild Orange are great for raising your spirits and increasing your energy. Frankincense gives it more depth and its grounding qualities help keep you balanced.

Another thing that is great about Lemon is that it is the Oil of Focus. It engages the mind and aids concentration which helps give the extra energy some direction and drive to get tasks complete.

Just Be Happy

Just Be Happy is a beautiful daytime diffuser blend using Bergamot, Grapefruit, Lemon and Ylang Ylang. These oils combine to uplift, energise and bring joy.

Let's look at what each of these oils brings to the mix:

  • Bergamot isn't just uplifting, but it is also assuring to help ease stress
  • Grapefruit is a purifier so it will help freshen the air while lifting your energy
  • Lemon is energising and brings joy
  • Ylang Ylang is both calming and playful, and it adds a beautiful floral note amongst the citrus oils


This is the blend in my diffuser today. I had a 2 hour online training session, with another 2 calls still to come, plus trying to get some work done on the laptop - busy day.

Lemon helps concentration, Rosemary aids memory and Peppermint keeps you alert - what a kick ass combo!