Cleanse & Clear

It has been a while since I have shared with you a blend that I have been diffusing, but trust me - this one is worth the wait!

I am currently obsessed with this blend of Copaiba, Rosemary, Peppermint and Clary Sage. It not only smells amazing, but it kicks arse emotionally.

Copaiba has a spicy, woody aroma and creates a wonderfully calming atmosphere when diffused. Known as the Oil of Unveiling, it offers assistance to those caught in the lower vibrations of shame, blame, fear, self-loathing and other unconsciously internalised emotions.

If you use Rosemary in the kitchen, you will be familiar with its delicious herbaceous aroma. When diffused, Rosemary is uplifting and rejuvenating. Known as the Oil of Knowledge & Transition, it supports individuals in feeling confident and assured during times of great change in understanding or perspective.

Peppermint has a fresh, minty aroma that is invigorating to the senses and promotes an uplifted and cheery feeling. Known as the Oil of a Buoyant Heart, it invigorates the body, mind and spirit, bringing joy to the heart and soul.

With its floral aroma edged with woody notes, Clary Sage is relaxing and soothing. Known as the Oil of Clarity & Vision, it assists individuals in changing their perceptions by giving them the courage to see the truth. Clary Sage can also assist in opening creative channels and clearing creative blocks.

These four oils have great synergy and create a uplifting and nurturing atmosphere when diffused. I recommend giving this one a go.

Happy Place

This is beautiful uplifting blend to have in the diffuser. I highly recommend you give it a try.

Peppermint is the Oil of a Buoyant Heart. It invigorates body, mind and spirit, and reminds individuals that life can be happy.

Lime is the Oil of Zest for Life. It instils courage and cheer in the heart and reminds them to be grateful for the gift of life.

Wild Orange is the Oil of Abundance. Wild Orange inspires abundance, fosters creativity and supports a positive mood.

It is little wonder that when these three oils combine, that they take you to a Happy Place.

Study & Focus

It has been rainy and cool on the farm today so it has provided very little incentive to get out and about. It has however, encouraged us to pull out the laptops and books to get some work done.  To help us focus on our work (and hopefully kick some goals), I am diffusing this gem!

The Study & Focus blend is made up of Peppermint, Frankincense, Wild Orange and Rosemary.

  • Peppermint helps to keep you alert and provide you with energy.
  • Frankincense aids focus, which is why it is regularly used for meditation.
  • Wild Orange helps creativity and productivity.
  • Rosemary may well be the star of the blend as it is the Oil of Knowledge & Transition. It brings expansion to the mind, supporting individuals in receiving new information and new experiences. It also supports memory and focus.


Get Up And Go

I love diffusing a fresh and energising blend during the day. Not only does it make me feel good and give me some energy, but it also is a fantastic way to have the house smell great without using an air freshner that is filling your home with chemicals.

This Get Up And Go blend uses Lemon, Peppermint, Wild Orange and Frankincense. Lemon, Peppermint and Wild Orange are great for raising your spirits and increasing your energy. Frankincense gives it more depth and its grounding qualities help keep you balanced.

Another thing that is great about Lemon is that it is the Oil of Focus. It engages the mind and aids concentration which helps give the extra energy some direction and drive to get tasks complete.


This is the blend in my diffuser today. I had a 2 hour online training session, with another 2 calls still to come, plus trying to get some work done on the laptop - busy day.

Lemon helps concentration, Rosemary aids memory and Peppermint keeps you alert - what a kick ass combo!

Monday Morning

Oh Monday Morning, you always come around so quick! I know many of us can struggle a bit in the morning with motivation and Monday can often be the worst.

This is a simple but effect blend which combines the uplifting and invigorating powers of Peppermint and Wild Orange. Both have quite strong aromas, but they work well together and leave you feeling energised and ready to face the day.

Sinus Relief

dōTERRA have some amazing, ready-made blend to help you get through patches of cold and flu - yep, I'm talking about Easy Air and On Guard - but sometimes it is nice to change things up. This blend combines Peppermint, Wild Orange, Eucalyptus and Lavender to provide relief to the sinus and airways.

Lavender's antibacterial properties and Eucalyptus' cleansing properties team up to help cleanse the air which is definitely needed when germs have come to visit.  Peppermint and Eucalyptus combine to help open the airways and Wild Orange can help support the immune system.

These oils are all calming and uplifting which is perfect when we aren't felling our best selves.