A Drop of... Lime

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The Oil of Zest for Life

With its distinct citrus flavour and aroma, Lime is refreshing, energizing and has seemingly endless applications. Whether it be cooking, cleaning or personal care, Lime essential oil is a must have.

Emotionally, Lime is known as “The Oil of Zest for Life”. With the ability to uplift, balance, and energise, it revitalises the heart space, giving room for light and joy while clearing discouragement and feelings related to a loss of will to live. Lime instils the determination to face all of life’s challenges and encourages balance between the heart and mind.

Lime is a great purifier of both the body and external environment due to its high limonene content. Some ways to use this are:
🌟 Air: Add Lime to your diffuser when you want to cleanse the air in your home or office and make it smell fresh. It will also lift your mood!
🌟 Surfaces: It is a great natural surface cleaner for countertops. If you have grease spots and sticker residue, try adding a few drops on a cotton pad and rub to remove.
🌟 Body: You can use Lime oil to help purify the skin and hair. Try adding a drop to your facial cleanser or shampoo.
🌟 Internal: Lime can also be used as an internal cleanser to support healthy immune function. Consider adding a drop or two of Lime oil to your water – it also tastes fantastic!

The fresh, citrus flavour of Lime can also give food an extra punch of flavour. There are countless recipe options for beverages, entrées, mains, desserts and even dressings.

With this oil being so versatile, it is a must have!

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A Drop of... Peace

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The Oil of Peace

Known as the Reassuring Blend, dōTERRA Peace is primarily used to promote feelings of contentment, composure, and reassurance when anxious feelings overwhelm your emotions.

dōTERRA Peace is formulated with oils that work to dismiss feelings of fear and anxiousness. Its beautiful floral and mint scent is made from a unique mix of Vetiver, Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Frankincense, Clary Sage, Marjoram, Labdanum and Spearmint.

With so many of us struggling daily with anxious emotions that contort our feelings and leave us distressed, it is important to breathe deep and balance our emotions. dōTERRA Peace can help calm these emotions and reunite us with a peaceful mindset.

This blend is great to calm nerves and provide emotional comfort before taking a test or other big events. dōTERRA Peace is an ideal night-time blend that can promote a calming environment and restful sleep. It can also be used to calm an upset or restless child by applying to bottoms of their feet.

dōTERRA Peace is one of the six oils in the Emotional Aromatherapy Kit but it is also available for individual purchase. One of my favourites that I recommend everyone have in their collection.

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A Drop of... Lavender

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The Oil of Communication & Calm

Lavender is a beautiful calming oil known for its unmistakable aroma.

Most commonly Lavender is associated with its relaxing properties that promote peaceful sleep. You can add a few drops to your pillow so that you inhale the aroma as you are drifting off to sleep; apply it to the bottoms of your feet as a part of a relaxing bedtime ritual; or diffuse it in your favourite combo.

Apart from aiding restful sleep, it also promotes feelings of ease during your waking hours. It can be great to help you unwind at the end of a long day. Try adding a few drops of Lavender to your bath or apply to your temples and back of the neck.

Emotionally, Lavender can help ease feelings of tension, remove sad and anxious feelings, aid in verbal expression and calm the mind. It addresses a deep fear of being seen and heard. Lavender also encourages emotional honesty and insists that one speak their innermost thoughts and desires.

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The soothing properties of Lavender can help calm skin irritations which make it great to use after shaving or to remove the itch from mosquito bites. You can also help nourish delicate and dry skin by adding a drop to your moisturiser. This is particularly helpful if you have a little too much sun.

To remove unwanted odours from your home, combine Lavender oil with water in a spray bottle. Spray a light mist into your car, linen closet, on your mattress, or any other areas that could use some freshening up.

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Lavender oil is used in cooking for its taste and fragrance. You can use it to soften citrus flavours and add a flavourful twist to marinades, baked goods, and desserts.

The versatile properties of Lavender essential oil make it a dōTERRA favourite – and why wouldn’t you keep a bottle on hand?

A Drop of... Vetiver

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The Oil of Centring and Descent

Vetiver is a member of the grass family and its thick tangle of roots is the origin of Vetiver essential oil. The oil has a unique and complex aroma (sweet and woody, with a strong earthy scent) which doesn’t appeal to everyone on its own, however it is extensively used in the perfume industry.

The grounding qualities of Vetiver oil assists individuals in becoming more rooted in life and deeply connecting with what they think and feel. This is incredibly supportive in all kinds of self-awareness work. By allowing individuals to descend and discover deeper facets of their being, it opens the doors to light and recovery through this downward journey into an emotional catharsis.

Vetiver is commonly used for massages as it helps provide a grounding and calming effect on emotions. After a long day of standing, try applying a few drops to your feet and slowly massage the oil in.

When experiencing anxious, unnerved, or stressed feelings, use Vetiver oil aromatically or topically. It can also be used in a warm bath for deep relaxation.

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My favourite use of Vetiver though is to promote restful sleep. I love to diffuse it in my bedroom at night with Lavender and Juniper Berry, however it can be rubbed on the feet before bedtime instead.

Vetiver oil is very thick so patience is required to get it out of the bottle. You can use a toothpick to help get the desired amount out of the bottle if you can’t wait - a little goes a long way.