A Drop of... Cedarwood

The Oil of Community

Cedarwood essential oil comes from the wood of the Red Cedar tree and has a lovely sweet, nutty aroma. As a tree oil, Cedarwood is grounding and evokes feelings of spiritual and emotional wellbeing. I love using Cedarwood in my diffuser blends anytime of the day or night, for both the aroma and the grounding properties.

As the Oil of Community, Cedarwood inspires the feeling of belonging and assists the heart in opening to receive the love and support of other people. Humans are very interdependent and thrive on connection, so opening oneself to others is an important especially for those who may have withdrawn due to life circumstances.

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Cedarwood also has clarifying properties when applied topically. To take advantage of this, you can add one or two drops to your facial toner or moisturiser to promote clear, healthy looking skin. It is also a beautiful choice to use in massage to soothe the body and soul.

A Drop of... Elevation

The Oil of Joy

Elevation, also known as the Joyful Blend, is one of the four blends that form dōTERRA's Mood Management Kit. The unique aroma is a sweet mix of floral (Lavandin, Lavender, Melissa, Ylang Ylang, and Osmanthus) and citrus (Tangerine, Elemi, and Lemon Myrtle) notes. These oils combine beautifully to promote feelings of joy, optimism and abundance.

Of course, a blend called Elevation is a perfect choice to diffuse in the morning to create a positive and energised environment at home. To carry those feelings with you as you move through out your day, try applying Elevation as a perfume over your heart and wrists. Elevation is even a great choice to add to your bath in the evening to wash away your day and uplift your spirits.

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The Joyful Blend is helpful when you need to revitalise yourself. It teaches that worry and fear are not productive, but faith, hope and determination are. The warm vibrations of these oils can soothe the heart and balance the emotions, which is necessary to move through day-to-day life.

A Drop of... Lemon

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The Oil of Focus

It is time we talked about Lemon as it is the top-selling dōTERRA essential oil.  The beautiful citrus aroma of Lemon is uplifting, promoting feelings of lightness, cheer and joy.  It is also incredibly refreshing and energising.

The citrus flavour is amazing and can be enjoyed simply by adding a few drops to water.  I have even enjoyed adding a drop or two to a bottle of Corona when I haven’t had fresh lemon on hand – perfect!  Lemon essential oil can also be added to food to enhance the flavour of desserts and main dishes.

Another reason that Lemon is so popular, is for its use as a natural cleaner.  Simply it can be added to a spray bottle of water as a surface cleaner of tables and bench tops.  It can be added to olive oil as a furniture polish to clean, protect and shine wood finishes.  Lemon can also be used to preserve and protect your leather furniture and garments, or to help remove the early stages of tarnish on silver and other metals.

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Lemon is the Oil of Focus as it promotes feelings of clarity and invigoration.  That sharp citrus scent helps hold you in the present moment to aid alertness and focus.  It can be a wonderful addition to your diffuser blend while studying or working.  Emotionally, it inspires a buoyancy in the heart and calms fears and insecurities while restoring confidence in the self.

As you can see, Lemon has so many benefits and daily uses, it is little wonder why it sells so well.

A Drop of... Ice Blue

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The Oil of Surrendering Pain

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dōTERRA Ice Blue, also known as the Athletic Blend, is a must have for your collection.  This is my go to if I am feeling a bit stiff after a physical day of work to soothe and cool my muscles.  It can also be used after a long day of sitting at the computer, to ease the tension in your neck and shoulders. You can apply Ice Blue before and after exercise, with a bit of Fractionated Coconut Oil.

One of the main ingredients in Ice Blue is Wintergreen essential oil which gives Ice Blue that sweet, minty smell of a sports massage.  Methyl Salicylate is the main chemical component of Wintergreen, and this chemical is often used in topical creams and massage blends because of its soothing properties to the skin.  Because dōTERRA’s essential oils are pure, it means we get the benefit of this naturally occurring chemical rather than one manufactured in a laboratory.  Other essential oils in the blend are Camphor, Peppermint, Blue Tansy, Blue Chamomile, Helichrysum and Osmanthus.

Emotionally, Ice Blue is known at the Oil of Surrendering Pain. It offers individuals the strength to face emotional wounds allowing the wounds to surface for transformation and healing. This emotional pain can be instructive if we stop resisting it and embrace the lessons it has to offer.

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Ice Blue comes in a 5mL bottle and a 10mL roll on. You can also get it in a 10mL touch which comes combined with Fractionated Coconut Oil for your convenience.  The fourth Ice Blue product sold in Australia is the Ice Blue Rub. This is a rich, topical cream infused with the Ice Blue blend in a proprietary blend of natural plant extracts commonly applied to muscles and joints. Ice Blue Rub gives a beautiful cooling feel when first applied before moving to a warming sensation.

A Drop of... Lemongrass

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The Oil Of Cleansing

Lemongrass essential oil is steam distilled from the leaf of the Lemongrass plant.  It has a stunning aroma with the beautiful citrus notes that you expect, but with a herby, smoky edge.  Amazing!!

Most of us are familiar with Lemongrass through Asian cuisine, or even herbal teas, and know that it has a subtle citrus flavour.  Having this oil on hand makes it easy to include this flavour when we cook Asian dishes at home.

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Emotionally, Lemongrass is known as the Oil of Cleansing as it is a powerful cleanser of energy.  It is perfect for diffusing in the home or office to clear negative energy and dispel feelings of despondency, despair and lethargy. Lemongrass gives you a sense of heightened awareness and positivity - and who couldn't use more of that?!

Lemongrass is frequently used in skin care products as it benefits the skin through clarifying and toning. It is a great choice to use with Fractionated Coconut Oil for an uplifting massage.

A Drop of... DigestZen

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The Oil of Digestion

DigestZen (also known as the Digestive Blend) is a dōTERRA's proprietary blends and one of the most popular oils.  Combining Ginger, Peppermint, Caraway, Coriander, Anise, Tarragon and Fennel, it has a sweet, licorice scent.

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DigestZen can be taken orally with, after or before food to promote a feeling of satisfaction after eating.  Simply add a few drops to a glass of water and drink.  I'm personally not a fan of the licorice flavour, so I prefer to rub it on my stomach instead which gives the same effect.  You can also do this before flying or taking a road trip for a calming aroma.

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Emotionally, this blend helps individuals when they have "mental indigestion".  We all know those individuals who have a tendency to take on too much at once and overload themselves with information and stimulation.  Diffusing DigestZen can help these individuals to assimilate information and experiences.

DigestZen comes in both diluted and undiluted forms. DigestZen Touch is a diluted rollerball which allows you to keep it in your bag and easily apply it when you are out and about, or at home.

A Drop of... Sandalwood

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The Oil of Sacred Devotion

Sandalwood has been used throughout history as an incense in religious ceremonies, meditation and embalming.  Its grounding effects and ability to quieten the mind see that it is still used in meditation and spiritual practices today.

With its sweet, woody aroma, Sandalwood is great to include in your beauty regime.  It promotes a healthy, smooth complexion and can help reduce the appearance of skin imperfections and scars.

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For a beautiful at home spa experience, try filling a large bowl with steaming water, then apply 1 or 2 drops to your face.  Place your face above the steaming water and cover your head with a towel.  This will leave your skin feeling nourished and rejuvenated.  You can also try applying 1-2 drops to wet hair to help restore moisture and give hair a silky shine.

Not only is Sandalwood grounding and calming, but it is also uplifting which makes it a great oil to use in your diffuser.

A Drop of... AromaTouch

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The Oil of Relaxation

Known as the Massage Blend, dōTERRA’s AromaTouch assists the body in relaxing and releasing tension.  It allows an individual to open their heart and mind to move in harmony once more with their body.  AromaTouch combines Cypress, Peppermint, Marjoram, Basil, Grapefruit and Lavender essential oils in a proprietary blend to produce a minty, fresh scent.

While AromaTouch is great to diffuse, being the Massage Blend, you can’t go past combining it with a carrier oil for a beautiful massage. Whether this is giving yourself a lovely neck and shoulder massage or having your significant other massage you from head to toe (avoiding pits and bits), the topical application and aromatic experience helps promote feelings of relaxation and comfort.

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Another way to get the amazing relaxation benefits is to add a few drops to a hot bath with Epsom salts.  This is a great way to unwind after a long day at work, as some much needed self-care, or just because you can.

A Drop of... Rosemary

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The Oil of Knowledge & Transition

Food is the first thing I think of when it comes to Rosemary. It is no doubt because of its delicious aroma that reminds me of roast meat and vegetables or rosemary and sea salt crackers. You can get the same flavour and smell by substituting a drop or two of Rosemary essential oil in your cooking, instead of using fresh or dried Rosemary leaves.

Aside from its culinary uses, the herbaceous scent of Rosemary is quite uplifting but also rejuvenating and relaxing. Try adding a couple of drops of Rosemary essential oil to your bath to help you relax. You can also try combining Rosemary with a carrier oil for a soothing massage experience.

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Rosemary is known as the Oil of Knowledge & Transition. It challenges individuals to look deeper than they normally would and ask more soul-searching questions, so they may receive more inspired answers. It also supports individuals in feeling confident and assured during times of great change in understanding or perspective. Rosemary can help aid focus so is great to diffuse while studying.

A Drop of... Salubelle

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The Oil of Spiritual Insight

Salubelle is dōTERRA’s proprietary Beauty Blend and consists of essential oils that have been used throughout history for their beautifying benefits. Frankincense, Hawaiian Sandalwood, Lavender, Myrrh, Helichrysum and Rose combine to produce this rich scented blend.

This blend has been formulated to help reduce the appearance of premature aging and blemishes while helping the skin look smooth and radiant. It absorbs easily into the skin and can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The roller ball makes it easy to apply as part of your morning and night facial routine. Simply apply a thin layer of Salubelle to the face, neck and décolletage prior to applying your moisturiser.

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Salubelle is considered the Oil of Spiritual Insight. Its combination of high vibrational oils with grounding oils, assists the connection between spirit and body. It encourages positive states of being and supports the development of faith, hope, gratitude, kindness, love, patience and trust. Salubelle also can assist in the release of negativity, darkness and limiting perceptions.