Heaven Scent

Heaven Scent is a lovely floral blend that is deeply calming.  This is perfect for when you want to relax and be fully present.

Patchouli is the Oil of Physicality and it is beautifully calming while it grounds you in your physical body.  I often find that with my Anxiety, I get stuck in my head.  I can find it difficult to move away from the thoughts to be able to become engrossed in the present moment.

Not only does the citrus note of Grapefruit combine well to break up the florals, it is also an amazing companion for Patchouli, as it is the Oil of Honouring the Body. When you are grounded in your body, you are able to get a deeper appreciation of what your physical body does and in turn be more respectful of its needs.

Ylang Ylang adds a slightly sweeter note to the blend and contributes its calming qualities.  As the Oil of the Inner Child, it helps the connection with the heart which often gets ignored when the mind is overthinking.  It also encourages joy and play that can be missing from life.

This blend removes the control of the mind to give the heart and physical body a chance to be heard.  Having a reprieve from the mind can be amazingly beneficial for anyone who is unable to get balance ordinarily.



This is a lovely blend that is perfect for any time of the day.  Combining Ylang Ylang, Wild Orange, Sandalwood and Cedarwood, it has a sweet and clean aroma.

Cedarwood is the Oil of Community so is great to help feel emotionally connected and supported. Sandalwood is the Oil of Sacred Devotion and is often used in meditation to help calm the mind, still the heart and allow a connection to Spirit.  This is a perfect addition for us overthinkers.

Wild Orange is the Oil of Abundance which encourages individuals to let go of their mindset of scarcity.  Its amazing ability to uplift and relax is why we use this sweet oil in so many blends.  Ylang Ylang is the Oil of the Inner Child and it helps connect us to our heart and in turn our intuition. It is also calming and joyful.

With these four oils uniting their properties, this blend is calming, uplifting and beautifully connecting.

Spring Blossoms

For my friends in the Northern Hemisphere who are currently enjoying the beauty of Spring, you will know all too well the joy of stepping outside and breathing in the sunshine and flowers.  The smell that brings a smile to your lips and a warmth to your heart.

That is what I feel when I close my eyes and breath in this amazing blend of Wild Orange, Ginger and Ylang Ylang.  On the surface, we can see that these oils can make us uplifted, warmed and soothed respectively, but it is when we look deeper that we can see the real power of this blend.

Spring is a time of renewal and freedom from the constraints of Winter.  Wild Orange is the Oil of Abundance so as we move into this time of change, we can set intentions that allow for the growth and expansion we may be wanting to achieve.  Ginger is the Oil of Empowerment and teaches us that to be successful in life, we must be wholly committed. It empowers us to take responsibility for our life's circumstances, allowing us to choose our own destiny.  Ylang Ylang is the Oil of the Inner Child which helps us to connect to our heart and our intuition.  It also aids us in feeling the joy and playfulness we can need after the Winter hibernation.

This blend can really help us to blossom as individuals.  If you are experiencing this need for renewal and change, you don't need to wait until Spring to unveil yourself.  Put this in your diffuser and start walking your new path.

Bright Sunshiny Day

Today is overcast and a bit cool but this blend is giving me the vibes of a bright sunshiny day.

This blend combines Cheer (Uplifting Blend), Wild Orange, Grapefruit and Clove.

  • Cheer is a beautiful mix of citruses and spices that was formulated to assist those who are in need of cheerfulness. It brings joy, hope and determination.
  • Wild Orange is uplifting and invigorating.
  • Grapefruit is fresh and uplifting.
  • Clove is the Oil of Boundaries. It helps an individual to feel empowered, independent and protected.

And it smells divine!!

Wake Up Buttercup

I try not to drink coffee everyday to help with my anxiety so a good diffuser blend is a must. Anything citrus is usually a go to - not only does it wake me up, but it lifts my mood.

This blend of Juniper Berry, Grapefruit and Wild Orange does the trick.

  • Juniper Berry is calming
  • Grapefruit is fresh and uplifting
  • Wild Orange is uplifting and invigorating

These energies combined are perfect for me to carry through the day.

Happy Place

This is beautiful uplifting blend to have in the diffuser. I highly recommend you give it a try.

Peppermint is the Oil of a Buoyant Heart. It invigorates body, mind and spirit, and reminds individuals that life can be happy.

Lime is the Oil of Zest for Life. It instils courage and cheer in the heart and reminds them to be grateful for the gift of life.

Wild Orange is the Oil of Abundance. Wild Orange inspires abundance, fosters creativity and supports a positive mood.

It is little wonder that when these three oils combine, that they take you to a Happy Place.

Know It All

I promised yesterday in my post "A Drop of... Basil" that I would share with you a diffuser blend that uses Basil to support focus.

I was struggling yesterday to stay focused enough to achieve anything before I put this baby on. The herbal scent isn't for everyone but I kicked more goals than I set out to.

Combined with Rosemary (aids concentration and memory) and Cypress (energises while keeping you grounded), this is a great blend to diffuse for study or work.

Study & Focus

It has been rainy and cool on the farm today so it has provided very little incentive to get out and about. It has however, encouraged us to pull out the laptops and books to get some work done.  To help us focus on our work (and hopefully kick some goals), I am diffusing this gem!

The Study & Focus blend is made up of Peppermint, Frankincense, Wild Orange and Rosemary.

  • Peppermint helps to keep you alert and provide you with energy.
  • Frankincense aids focus, which is why it is regularly used for meditation.
  • Wild Orange helps creativity and productivity.
  • Rosemary may well be the star of the blend as it is the Oil of Knowledge & Transition. It brings expansion to the mind, supporting individuals in receiving new information and new experiences. It also supports memory and focus.


Citrus Summer Remix

I can't get enough of these citrus scents at the moment! They smell so fresh and summery while lifting my mood and energy.

Lime and Bergamot are the citrus players in this blend. Lime is energising and as the Oil of Zest for Life, it helps revitalise you and make you grateful for life. Bergamot is uplifting and as the Oil of Self-Acceptance, it helps with confidence and optimism.

Passion is dōTERRA's Inspiring Blend. It is enlivening, playful and encourages spontaneity. With oils like Cinnamon, Clove and Cardamom in it, Passion compliments the citrus notes of Lime and Bergamot. 

Passion is also known to help unlock your creativity, which is why I've had this blend in the diffuser while I've been on the computer this morning.