A Drop of... Arborvitae

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The Oil of Divine Grace

The Arborvitae tree, known as the “tree of life”, is the largest tree in the Cypress family ranging up to 65 to 70 metres high and can live over 1,000 years. dōTERRA source their Arborvitae essential oil from the heartwood of the Western Red Cedar (Thuja plicata) in Canada.

The Arborvitae tree is popular in woodcraft due to its natural preserving properties that prevents wood from rotting. Try mixing 4 drops of Arborvitae essential oil with 2 drops of Lemon essential oil for a DIY natural wood preservative and polish.

Not only does the oil preserve wood, but it contains tropolones which act as a natural insect repellent. You can apply Arborvitae to your wrist and ankles when you are spending time out doors or diffuse in your home to deter bugs from hanging out inside.

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Emotionally, Arborvitae is known as the Oil of Devine Grace. It invites individuals to live with peace and joy by trusting in the abundant flow of devine grace. This is particularly useful for those individuals who find the need to constantly be in control and could use a break. Arborvitae inspires feelings of peace and calm making it great to use when unwinding after a long day or during mediation or yoga.

Arborvitae oil has a warm, woody aroma and is ideal for using aromatically and topically for cleansing and purifying. It can easily be turned into a household spray by adding a few drops to a spray bottle with water. This spray can be used both on surfaces and on hands.

My favourite thing about Arborvitae though, was learning about the sourcing arrangements. It is done in an innovative, environmentally-responsible way through the distillation of residual wood materials to ensure no trees are unnecessarily harvested for production.

Check out this video to see for yourself:

A Drop of... Basil

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The Oil of Renewal

When I think of Basil, my mind immediately is drawn to food (I’m sure I am not the only one). Basil is part of the mint family and is commonly used to add a fresh, herbal flavour to meat, vegetable and pasta dishes. Having a bottle of Basil oil is ideal when you don’t have access to fresh herbs. The culinary options are extensive, but there is much more to this oil.

Basil is known as the Oil of Renewal and is indicated for those who are weary in mind and body and for those in need of strength and renewal. The smell of Basil oil brings strength to the heart and relaxation to the mind. Rich with linalool (a naturally occurring chemical), Basil can help balance moods. Try applying to the temples to ease tension or diffusing to lessen anxious feelings.

Basil delivers a cooling sensation to the skin, which is perfect to relax the body after an active day. Try applying a few drops of Basil oil to areas of your skin that need soothing. When combined with Wintergreen and a carrier oil, this is a beautiful massage blend to relieve stress and provide relaxation.

Basil can also help to ease the discomforts of muscle aches and cramps during your menstrual cycle. Try taking a drop of Basil in a Veggie Capsule to provide soothing support and reduce monthly unease.

With its spicy herbal aroma, diffusing Basil is a wonderful way to help promote a sense of mental alertness and focus.

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A Drop of... Passion

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The Oil for Finding Your Passion

Known as the Inspiring Blend, dōTERRA Passion is primarily used to ignite feelings of excitement and joy while counteracting negative feelings of boredom and disinterest.

It’s beautiful warm spicy aroma is made from a unique mix of essential oils (including Cardamom, Cinnamon, Ginger, Clove, Sandalwood, Jasmine, Vanilla and Damiana) in a base of Fractionated Coconut Oil.

Too much of even a good thing can become predictable and boring over time. dōTERRA Passion teaches that there is more to living than working and obligation. It challenges individuals to use their creativity and imagination to fulfil their true life’s passion. When life has become a dull set of routines and obligations, Passion acts as a reminder to rediscover one’s inner passion.

Some wonderful ways to use dōTERRA Passion are:
🌟 Apply to your pulse points and heart throughout the day to feel inspired and passionate.
🌟 Diffuse Passion while you work to help spark creativity and clarity.
🌟 Apply to your skin as a pick me up to break free of tedium and indifference.
🌟 Diffuse Passion in the morning to help you feel energised and enthusiastic for the day.

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A Drop of... Thyme

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The Oil of Releasing & Forgiving

Thyme is one of the oldest herbs around and is known for its culinary, aromatic and health purposes. The dōTERRA essential oil is steam distilled from the leaves of the Thyme plant and is high in thymol. The oil is potent and should be diluted before applying to your skin.

This herb has been used across the centuries. The Egyptians used it in their embalming rites and in Ancient Greece it was used in baths and as incense in their temples. In the Middle Ages, Thyme was given to knights and warriors before they went into battle by ladies as it was thought to impart courage to its bearer. Today we most commonly use Thyme as a seasoning, but its cleansing and purifying properties make it great for cleaning surfaces and removing unpleasant odours. Thyme also helps support your immune system and works well in DIY skin care and as a natural insect repellent.

Emotionally, the cleansing properties of the oil is great for cleaning the emotional body. It reaches deep within the body and soul, searching for unresolved negativity. As Thyme empties the soul of negativity, it leaves the heart wide open for forgiveness, freeing it from its emotional bondage.

Thyme’s warm, herbaceous scent is great to add to daytime diffuser blends to help stimulate the mind and promote a sense of alertness.

With so many wonderful possibilities, Thyme is a beautiful oil to have on hand.

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A Drop of... On Guard

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The Oil of Protection

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dōTERRA On Guard (also known as the Protective Blend) is one of dōTERRA’s most popular oils. Combining Wild Orange, Clove, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus and Rosemary essential oils, it has a warm and spicy aroma which is energising and uplifting.

Apart from helping energise and uplift your spirits, this blend can extend beyond the physical level by aiding individuals in warding off energetic parasites, domineering personalities and other negative influences. It is also incredibly helpful for strengthening the inner resolve to stand up for oneself and live in integrity.

On Guard has incredible uses and benefits for both the body and home. This blend of oils is most commonly used as a non-toxic cleaning agent for skin and household surfaces to help protect against environmental and seasonal threats. When diffused, it can also help to clean and purify the air.

For a tasty and nutritious snack, slice up an apple and put the slices in bowl of water. Add a few drops of dōTERRA On Guard essential oil and let the apples soak. After a few minutes, take the apples out of the water and enjoy a healthy, delicious snack.

dōTERRA have multiple On Guard products available including (but not limited to) Foaming Handwash, Protecting Throat Drops, Natural Whitening Toothpaste, Laundry Detergent and Cleaner Concentrate.

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A Drop of... Ylang Ylang

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The Oil of the Inner Child

dōTERRA work with the natives of Madagascar to sustainably source their pure Ylang Ylang essential oil. The oil is steam distilled from the unique star-shaped flowers and has a rich floral scent. It is used in aromatherapy for its ability to provide a calming effect whilst simultaneously promoting a positive outlook.

For centuries Ylang Ylang has been used in perfumes due to it’s sweet spicy scent. For a natural perfume, put a drop or two of Ylang Ylang on your wrists. You will also get the calming and uplifting benefits.

Ylang Ylang is often used to support healthy skin and hair and can be frequently found in luxurious hair and skin products for its scent and nourishing and protective properties. Create your own DIY Deep Hair Conditioner by adding Ylang Ylang essential oil to dōTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil.

Emotionally, Ylang Ylang is a powerful remedy for the heart and it assists in accessing intuition. It allows emotional healing to flow naturally and reminds the individual that joy can be felt and experienced more fully by allowing the heart its full range of emotions.

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Due to one of Ylang Ylang oil’s main chemical constituents, germacrene, the oil contains natural abilities to soothe. So not only is Ylang Ylang beautiful to diffuse in your home, it is also an excellent choice for adding to a bath to soak your stresses away.

A Drop of... Wild Orange

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The Oil of Abundance

Wild Orange is one of dōTERRA’s top selling essential oils and it is little wonder why. Sustainably sourced from the Dominican Republic, this oil is cold pressed from the peel. The distinct sweet citrus smell combined with its purifying properties, make Wild Orange a popular choice as a natural cleanser for the air and surfaces around the home and office. It can also be used to make a DIY natural furniture polish and skin care products.

The refreshing aroma is energizing and uplifting making it perfect to use to start your day or help give you a lift in the afternoon. Wild Orange combines well with most oils making it popular in diffusers and for topical use.

Wild Orange supports the emotions by inspiring abundance, fostering creativity and supporting a positive mood. It is particularly useful for individuals wanting to share, play, relax and enjoy the bounties of life.

The citrus flavour of dōTERRA Wild Orange can add extra zing to food and drink recipes. It also has the additional benefit of helping to support the immune system. You can try adding a few drops of dōTERRA Wild Orange to your favourite tea or simply add a drop to a glass of water.

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A Drop of... Holiday Joy

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The Oil of Centred Celebration

Holiday Joy is a limited release product that comes out in December. It is a beautiful blend of Siberian Fir, Wild Orange, Clove, Cinnamon, Cassia, Douglas Fir, Nutmeg and Vanilla. Not only does the warm and spicy aroma smell amazing and remind you of Christmas, but like all dōTERRA oils it also has some fabulous emotional and environmental benefits!

If you are having people over for drinks or a meal this festive season, try diffusing Holiday Joy to purify and freshen the air whilst also setting the mood for the occasion. Emotionally, Holiday Joy invites people to come together to experience the warmth and comfort of positive relationships. For many people, the Christmas period can be difficult, and this blend helps to make people feel safe, connected, and overall more balanced and joyful.

A lot of us are a touch disorganised and leave our Christmas shopping until the last minute. This often means fighting the crowds at the shops which can be very straining on our Christmas spirit. Try applying a drop of Holiday Joy to your clothes to help you stay energised and balanced through your shopping experience.

The sweet and fresh aroma is perfect for spritzing on Christmas trees, garlands and wreathes. So no matter what you are doing this Christmas period, Holiday Joy is the perfect addition to make it a Christmas to remember.

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A Drop of... Balance

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The Oil of Grounding

Known as the Grounding Blend, dōTERRA Balance is primarily used to promote feelings of tranquillity while bringing harmony to the mind and body, and balance to the emotions.

dōTERRA Balance is formulated with oils that evoke feelings of relaxation, grounding and calmness. Its beautiful sweet woody scent is made from a unique mix of essential oils (including Spruce, Ho Wood, Frankincense, Blue Tansy & Blue Chamomile) in a base of Fractionated Coconut Oil.

As this is primarily a combination of tree oils and roots, it instructs us to be more like trees. They live in the present moment, they aren’t in a hurry and they are stable.

With Christmas almost upon us, most of us will end up spending a lot of time in the car travelling to see family and friends. This can be a stressful time for most of us, so try diffusing dōTERRA Balance in your car during road trips to create a calming, soothing environment.

Some wonderful ways to use dōTERRA Balance are:
🌟 Apply it to the bottom of your feet when you wake up to promote feelings of calmness and tranquillity throughout your day.
🌟 Apply it to your feet before going to bed to help calm you and encourage a restful night’s sleep.
🌟 Add some to your bath with Epsom salts to really make it a relaxing experience for your whole body.
🌟 Apply to your wrists or neck prior to stressful events and meetings. It helps give a sense of stability and relaxation during situations that are prone to anxious and stressful feelings.
🌟 Apply to your wrists or neck to help ease anxiousness and overwhelmed feelings as they arise.

There are so many fantastic ways to use dōTERRA Balance, but my friends with children swear that diffusing it in the evening is the best. It helps relax the kids (not to mention the parents) and calms the mood in the house so they can enjoy their family time and prepare everyone for bed.

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A Drop of...Wintergreen

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The Oil of Surrender

dōTERRA Wintergreen is sourced as part of the dōTERRA Co-Impact Sourcing® initiative. This initiative creates increased economic opportunity and sustainability. Our Wintergreen is from the rural mountains of Nepal where it is wild harvested by rural villagers then distilled in community-owned distillation facilities.

Wintergreen essential oil has a sweet, minty and refreshing aroma which is uplifting and stimulating. Emotionally, Wintergreen is the oil of surrender. It imbues the soul with strength and teaches how to let go and be free of the negativity and pain one holds on to.

The main chemical component of Wintergreen oil is methyl salicylate. This is a rare organic chemical that is found naturally in only two plants worldwide – Birch and Wintergreen. Methyl Salicylate contains strong soothing and renewing properties. It is warming to the skin when applied topically which makes it fantastic for massaging tired muscles.

Other great ways to use Wintergreen are:
🌟 Diffuse to freshen your home and have a positive and uplifting effect.
🌟 Add a couple of drops to a warm bath to relax the body and mind.
🌟 Place a few drops on a cotton ball and place it in your gym bag to mask the smell of sweaty gym clothes.
🌟 Apply to your skin to help reduce the appearance of blemishes.

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