Go Get 'Em!

I feel it is important to preface this with an update on where I am at.

You may have noticed my lack of presence lately, and for that I apologise. I have been feeling a bit out of sorts and my psychologist informs me it is because I have been transitioning from one stage of healing to another. After feeling like I was stuck for so long in this last phase, it is a thrill to have that confirmation that I am, in fact, moving forward.

The flip side to this though is that I am having to adjust to the emotional and spiritual changes that come with transformation. The biggest changes are that I have been feeling more introverted and introspective than usual. This has seen me withdrawing further and trying to muddle my way through my thoughts and feelings from which I am endlessly looking for distraction. I have tried on numerous occasions to jump online and share something, but I have found myself unable to find any words (it has been the same when I have tried to journal). I know I will adapt to the changes happening - life has shown me that we humans are good at that (even when it seems impossible), so I will be gentle with myself and bide my time until I do.

Now you know the general space I am sitting in, I think you will be able to appreciate the reason I wanted to share this particular blend with you.

Grounding. Inspiring. Invigorating.

These three blends have all been specifically created by dōTERRA with the purpose of supporting the mood and emotions of individuals.

Balance is the Grounding Blend and provides feelings of calm and relaxation. It shines during times of excessive thinking and is especially suited for personalities who seek to escape from life through disconnection or disassociation.

Passion is the Inspiring Blend and it ignites feelings of excitement, passion, and joy. It was formulated to assist individuals who are lacking inner passion and need help finding their why.

Citrus Bliss is the Invigorating Blend and the Oil of Creativity. Merging the benefits of the citrus essential oils, it returns motivation and drive when it’s lacking. Most importantly, it can motivate individuals to use their true creative power by letting go of old limitations and insecurities. It can restore confidence in oneself and in one’s creations.

The combination of Grounding, Inspiring and Invigorating will give you and anyone else in the room something that you are in need of. Whether it is calm, encouragement or motivation that you are chasing, or like me all three, Go Get ‘Em! has you covered. Each of these blends smell amazing by themselves and together they go to another level.


Note, I used this blend in the diffuser while writing this post. Although it took way longer than normal to write, it felt really good to be able to create something. Jas xx

Let Go

I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted in the diffuser this morning and stumbled on this winning combination. dōTERRA Forgive and Douglas Fir mix beautifully and smell like you are walking through a forest.

dōTERRA Forgive (Renewing Blend) is the Oil of Forgiving. It contains Spruce, Bergamot, Juniper Berry, Myrrh, Arborvitae, Nootka, Thyme and Citronella which combine with a sweet, woody aroma. Emotionally, this oil is a great choice when you are feeling unforgiving, cynical or bitter. Forgive reminds us that mistakes and offences will happen, but they should be met with forgiveness and kindness. Forgiving others is an important step to setting ourselves free.

Douglas Fir is the Oil of Generational Wisdom. Emotionally, this can assist us in learning from the past. We have the power to carry on the traditions of previous generations and the power to decide which traditions no longer serve us and need to be let go. It encourages respect for one’s elders and invites us to learn from other’s experiences. As a strong tree, Douglas Fir is great for grounding.

Whether you are weighed down with burdens that need to be let go, or just want to surround yourself with the scent of the forest, Let Go is a brilliant blend to try for yourself.

Positive Thinking

Some days positive thinking can come easily. Other days… not so much.

I have been feeling off for a couple of days (I know, I should have reached for my oils sooner) so this morning I decided that it was time to take action and help myself with a blend that would be uplifting and grounding.

Myrrh is the Oil of Mother Earth and when you breathe in the earthy notes, it makes complete sense why. It helps the soul to feel the love and nurturing presence of a mother and to feel safe and secure. Increasing the connection between oneself and Mother Earth is deeply grounding. It has that effect on you of having spent an afternoon in nature.

Eucalyptus is the Oil of Wellness and it teaches how to claim wholeness and heal. Being a tree oil, it is great for grounding and feeling centred. Eucalyptus also helps with feelings of encouragement and aids individuals take back the power of their own wellness journey.

Lime is the Oil of Zest for Life and its citrus notes help to dispel apathy and resignation while instilling hope, joy and courage. It aids revitalisation of the heart space, giving room for light and joy.

Positive Thinking isn’t a cure all remedy but increasing your grounding on difficult days, can help to create the space you need to work through your troubles. I decided to enhance the effect by following this up with a meditation outside in the sun and going barefoot on the grass. I’m happy to say I’m feeling a lot better than before.

Balanced Bliss

Balanced Bliss is an essential oil blend that combines Balance, White Fir* and Citrus Bliss. This blend both grounds and uplifts - I know that might sound like a contradiction, but let me explain what I mean.

Grounding is about being held present in your body and connected to the earth. This allows for a feeling of balance and centring no matter what is happening in the environment around you. For me, this is particularly important for slowing down the rush of thoughts (be them about the past or future) and staying in the present moment.

Balance is dōTERRA's Grounding Blend which is designed to exactly that. It is made primarily of tree oils and roots which encourage a deep connection to the present and emotional stability. White Fir is another tree oil to help encourage grounding.

Uplifting is about raising energies and moods with feelings of hope, comfort, joy and inspiration. For me, it helps me see life with more optimism and confidence, while shaking away the doubt and darkness.

Citrus Bliss is dōTERRA's Invigorating Blend and the Oil of Creativity. The combination of citrus oils acts as a powerful fire starter, returning motivation and drive. It also helps to restore confidence and fills the heart with creativity and joy .

By combining the oils with grounding and uplifting properties, it can help you feel centred and optimistic. When I feel these, I feel better equipped to handle the situations I’m faced with.

* White Fir has now been replaced by Siberian Fir as dōTERRA are able to maintain a better supply of Siberian Fir. It provides the same benefits, but with higher potency. You can use White Fir or Siberian Fir in the blend, depending what you have on hand.

Spring Fling

Well Spring has sprung in the Southern Hemisphere and yesterday was one of the nicest spring days!  The sun was shining and temperature was a lovely 24°C (75.2°F), so I made the most of it by spending the day in the garden and went for a bush walk.  All that time outdoors was super grounding and exactly what I needed.  Unfortunately, today is a lot cooler and overcast so I will probably stay indoors.

To help lift my mood and embrace the Spring vibes from yesterday, I have put on the diffuser with this lovely citrus blend.  Spring Fling combines Lemon, Wild Orange, Grapefruit and Lime; all delicious, fresh citrus notes. Here is why this combination of oils is really working for me today.

Lemon is the Oil of Focus and I need all the help I can with that as I'm spending the morning on the computer.  Lemon is also uplifting and energising - two things I need a lot of on overcast days.

Wild Orange is the Oil of Abundance and is great for creativity.  It is also great for supporting a positive mood and bringing some playfulness.  All work and no play is not a good way to spend one's time so this will help me with a nice balance of the two.

Grapefruit is the Oil of Honouring the Body so it will keep me respectful of my physical needs. I will be conscious to take breaks as my body tells me. Grapefruit also teaches us body acceptance which super important as we all struggle with loving and accepting ourselves at times.

Lime is the Oil of Zest for Life and reminds us to grateful for the gift of life.  It is wonderful for revitalising the heart space to give room for light and joy.

Together, these oils not only smell delicious but have such a positive effect on our emotional wellbeing.

Kids Gone Crazy!

My sister gave me a call tonight asking me about this diffuser blend that we tried when I was visiting her family in Sydney.  It had hit witching hour and she couldn't remember this blend to try and calm the farm in her house.  I thought it best to share it here for her quick reference - and yours!  Thanks to Natalie Blackburne for the blend.

This blend smells amazing - and that isn't even the best thing about it. Balance is sweet and woody, Peace is floral and minty, and Frankincense is warm and earthy.  They combine brilliantly to make you want to leave it pumping in the diffuser all the time.

The best thing about the blend is the effect it has on the mood.  Balance is the Oil of Grounding and it creates a sense of calm and relaxation.  Its soft energy is excellent for calming overactive children.  Peace is the Reassuring Blend and it reminds you to slow down and take a deep breath.  This is not only great for the kids, but is exactly what a parent needs when their patience is being tested by their "little angels".  Frankincense is deeply grounding and promotes feelings of peace and relaxation. What a winning combination!

Forest Rain

When it is rainy outside and we haven't seen much sunshine, it can be hard to keep a positive vibe around the house.  Rather than choosing a summery blend to diffuse, why not embrace the rainy feels and try this Forest Rain blend?

The sweet notes of Wild Orange and Juniper Berry combined with the more woody, musty notes of Spikenard can transport you to depths of nature.  If you close your eyes and inhale the blend while listening to the rain drops falling outside, you can almost believe that you have escaped to a cabin in the middle of a beautiful forest.  I don't know about you, but I feel more content already!

Not only is it the pausing to take deep breaths or the imagery we have created, but these oils also adjust our emotional mood.  Wild Orange can help us feel joyful and abundant.  Juniper Berry can assist us to feel protected and more self aware. Spikenard encourages gratitude and acceptance.

This combination of the emotional support with the scent of nature helps us to feel deep into the positives of this weather and allows us to really embrace it.  You don't have to limit the use of this blend just to rainy days though.  When it smells this good and has such a beautiful effect on your emotions, it should be on a regular rotation in your diffuser.

Time To Relax

Time To Relax is a stunning blend which combines Whisper (Blend for Women) with Lemon and Cedarwood.  It is a perfect choice for when you want to take some time for yourself.

Whisper (Blend for Women) is the Oil of Femininity but this does not mean that it is mean that is reserved for women.  It works to soften overly masculine individuals and allows gentleness and emotional connection.

Lemon is the Oil of Focus and helps to clear the cobwebs from your mind. The citrus aroma inspires joy and happiness while clearing away self-judgement - exactly what you need to be able to relax in peace.

Cedarwood is the Oil of Community and its woody notes give a sense of belonging and emotional connection.  I think that this can be a beautiful addition even when diffusing by yourself because we all need that peace that comes from being connected to others in our hearts.

When you are wanting to relax and get that deep feeling of peace and contentment - consider giving this blend a go.


I love having the diffuser on when I want (or need) to relax and unwind.  I often struggle to slow down my brain and enjoy the moment so being able to use essential oils that smell fantastic is the perfect way to help.

This blend of Ginger, Tangerine and Geranium smells amazing!!  The combination unifies the oils brilliantly so that no single oil over powers the others.  Ginger is the Oil of Empowerment and its sweet notes persuade us to be fully present and participate in life.

Tangerine is the Oil of Cheer & Creativity and it uses its citrus tones to lift dark moods. It is a great oil for anyone who is feeling overburdened by work or responsibility.

Geranium is the Oil of Love & Trust. It has such a strong aroma that one drop is able to compete against serval of the others.  It leads us away from the logical mind and into the heart space which is often very difficult for those who get caught up in their heads.

Such a beautiful team of oils.

Apple Pie

As we start heading into the cooler months in Australia, we like to feel cosy and comforted at home - fire, hot chocolate, blankets, pie, Uggies... there are so many options.  I suggest putting this Apple Pie blend on. It smells delicious and sweet while stimulating all your senses with the memories of warm Apple Pie.  It makes me feel cosy and comforted from the inside out.

This blend combines Douglas Fir, Cinnamon and Citrus Bliss (Invigorating Blend) to produce the aroma of Apple Pie baking in the oven.  Douglas Fir being one of our tree oils, is great for grounding which is one of my most important requirements for a feeling of comfort.  The spicy aroma of Cinnamon is not only vital for Apple Pie, but it also provides a beautiful recollection of warmth.  The sweet notes of Citrus Bliss are wonderfully uplifting, helping with feelings of contentment.

I have a feeling that this could be in my diffuser regularly over the Autumn and Winter months.